{% extends "shell.html" %} {% block title %}{{ search_query }}{% endblock %} {% block head %} {% if search_query == "notnite" %}{% endif %} {% endblock %} {% block page %}
{% include "ui/userbar.html" %} {% if alpha %}WARNING! askLyphe is in alpha! user experience is in no way representative of the final product!{% endif %} {% include "ui/navbar.html" %}
search the web search for images
{% match error %} {% when Some with (val) %}
{{ val }}
{% when None %}
{% if complications.disabled %}
complications disabled for this query
{% endif %} {% match complications.unit_converter %} {% when Some with (conversion) %}
lyphe unit converter {{ conversion.value }} {{ conversion.unit_a }} = {{ conversion.equals }} {{ conversion.unit_b }}
{% when None %} {% endmatch %} {% match complications.wikipedia %} {% when Some with (wikipedia) %} {% when None %} {% endmatch %}
{% endmatch %}
{% include "ui/footer.html" %}
{% endblock %}