138 lines
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138 lines
5.2 KiB
* asklyphe-auth-frontend verify.rs
* - email verification page routes
* Copyright (C) 2025 Real Microsoft, LLC
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 3.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
use std::sync::Arc;
use askama::Template;
use askama_axum::IntoResponse;
use asklyphe_common::nats::authservice::{AuthServiceQuery, AuthServiceRequest, AuthServiceResponse, VerifyEmailRequest, VerifyEmailResponse};
use asklyphe_common::nats::comms;
use asklyphe_common::nats::comms::ServiceResponse;
use async_nats::jetstream;
use axum::Extension;
use axum::extract::Query;
use serde::Deserialize;
use tokio::sync::Mutex;
use tracing::error;
#[template(path = "verify.html")]
struct VerifyTemplate {
system_message: String,
version: String,
git_commit: String,
built_on: String,
year: String,
#[derive(Deserialize, Debug)]
pub struct VerifyParams {
username: Option<String>,
token: Option<String>,
pub async fn verify_get(
Extension(nats): Extension<Arc<Mutex<jetstream::Context>>>,
Query(params): Query<VerifyParams>,
) -> impl IntoResponse {
fn verify_error(error: &str) -> impl IntoResponse {
VerifyTemplate {
system_message: format!("error: {error}"),
version: VERSION.to_string(),
git_commit: GIT_COMMIT.to_string(),
built_on: BUILT_ON.to_string(),
year: YEAR.to_string(),
let username = params.username;
let token = params.token;
if username.is_none() || token.is_none() {
return verify_error("one or more fields blank!").into_response();
let username = username.unwrap();
let token = token.unwrap();
if username.is_empty() || token.is_empty() {
return verify_error("one or more fields blank!").into_response();
let response = comms::query_service(
comms::Query::AuthService(AuthServiceQuery {
request: AuthServiceRequest::VerifyEmailRequest(VerifyEmailRequest {
replyto: "".to_string(),
if let Err(e) = response {
error!("internal server error while trying to communicate with auth service! {:?}", e);
return verify_error("internal server error! try again, or contact an administrator if the issue persists!").into_response();
let response = response.unwrap();
let mut internal_server_error = false;
match &response {
ServiceResponse::SearchService(_) => {
error!("sent search service response when asking for auth service!! investigate ASAP!!!");
internal_server_error = true;
ServiceResponse::BingService(_) => {
error!("sent bing service response when asking for auth service!! investigate ASAP!!!");
internal_server_error = true;
ServiceResponse::AuthService(r) => {
match r {
AuthServiceResponse::VerifyEmailResponse(_) => {}
x => {
error!("auth service gave {} to our verify email query!", x);
internal_server_error = true;
if internal_server_error {
return verify_error("internal server error! try again, or contact an administrator if the issue persists!").into_response();
match response {
ServiceResponse::AuthService(AuthServiceResponse::VerifyEmailResponse(response)) => match response {
VerifyEmailResponse::Success => {
VerifyTemplate {
system_message: "email verified! you should be good to log in to your account now! (:".to_string(),
version: VERSION.to_string(),
git_commit: GIT_COMMIT.to_string(),
built_on: BUILT_ON.to_string(),
year: YEAR.to_string(),
VerifyEmailResponse::InvalidToken => {
verify_error("invalid token").into_response()
VerifyEmailResponse::ExpiredToken => {
verify_error("token expired, please try signing up again, or resending the request if you're changing emails").into_response()
VerifyEmailResponse::InternalServerError(e) => {
error!("experienced internal server error \"{e}\" while attempting to verify email");
verify_error("internal server error! try again, or contact an administrator if the issue persists!").into_response()
_ => unreachable!()