{% extends "shell.html" %}

{% block title %}the best search engine{% endblock %}

{% block head %}
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/static/themes/{{theme}}/frontpage.css"/>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/static/themes/{{theme}}/inline-announcement.css"/>
{% endblock %}

{% block page %}
<div class="main">
    {% if alpha %}<span id="alpha-warning">WARNING! askLyphe is in alpha! user experience is in no way representative of the final product!</span>{% endif %}
    {% match error %}
    {% when Some with (val) %}
    <div class="error">{{ val }}</div>
    {% when None %}
    {% endmatch %}
    <div id="lyphebig">
        <div class="bent-surrounding">
            <img id="lypheimg" src="/static/img/lyphebent{% if alpha %}-alpha{% endif %}.png" alt="image of lyphe, our mascot!">
        <div id="lyphetitle">
            <img src="/static/img/logo.png" alt="ask Lyphe!"/>
            <p>a user-first, customizable, useful, and fun search engine!</p>
    <h2>currently in invite-only alpha, you must have an invite code to register (:</h2>
    <h3>invites are currently given out at our discretion. please don't email us begging us for an invite code (:</h3>
    <div class="account-buttons">
        <a href="{{ authurl }}/login" class="button">login!</a>
        <a href="{{ authurl }}/register" class="button">register!</a>
    <h3>{{ count }} sites indexed!</h3>
    <div class="front-links">
                <a href="/static/docs/about/">About</a>
                <a href="https://voremicrocomputers.com/crawler.html">Crawler Information</a>
                <a href="/static/docs/">Documentation</a>
                <a href="/static/terms_of_use.html">Terms of Use</a>
                <a href="/static/privacy_policy.html">Privacy Policy</a>

    {% match announcement %}
    {% when Some with (a) %}
    <div class="announcement">
        <span class="announcement-date">{{ a.date }}</span>
        <h4>{{ a.title }}</h4>
        <p>{{ a.content }}</p>
        <p><a href="{{ a.url }}">Read More...</a></p>
    {% when None %}
    {% endmatch %}

    <div id="features">
        <div class="pagegradient">
            <div id="userfirst" class="feature">
                <img src="/static/lyphe.png" alt="lorem ipsum dolor sit amet"/>
                    we will never serve a single ad.
                    since we will earn money off of subscriptions and do not accept investments or vc funding,
                    our platform is not a <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Two-sided_market">two-sided market</a>,
                    and thus we do not have anyone we need to please other than our users!
                    furthermore, we will attempt to be as transparent about our methods as possible;
                    all public-facing search engine software will be open-sourced under AGPL, and we will maintain a publicly
                    list of the websites that we derank or block, including a reason with each one.
                    finally, we do not claim to be in any way "apolitical".
                    we recognize the responsibility we are taking upon ourselves by running a search engine,
                    and will always respect ethics.
            <div id="customizable" class="feature">
                <img src="/static/lyphe.png" alt="lorem ipsum dolor sit amet"/>
                    we aim to design askLyphe in a way that makes personalizing your search results easy and fun!
                    currently we provide a short list of unique themes to let you properly express yourself through your
                    searching experience, however in the future we also plan to let you customize many more aspects of
                    the experience, such as through manual ranking personalisation and complications!
            <div id="useful-fun" class="feature">
                <h1>useful, but fun!</h1>
                <img src="/static/lyphe.png" alt="lorem ipsum dolor sit amet"/>
                    our search engine does not rely on (however may still include, for completeness) results from
                    Google, Bing, or any other search engine out there.
                    because of this, we're able to find websites that other search engines would have trouble finding,
                    and bring personality and humanity back to the web!
                    however, we also recognize that there are many queries that we simply do not have enough information
                    to handle
                    in order to fix this issue, we have a system called
                    askLyphe complications act in a similar way to watch complications, they show relevant answers to
                    queries with information from trusted sources!
                    want to find information on the microsoft corporation?
                    just search "microsoft" to get results from our wikipedia complication!
                    need to convert 500 feet to kilometers?
                    just search "500 ft to km" to get results from our unit conversion complication!
                    plus, we're constantly working on developing new complications, and will allow full customization of the
                    that you see in your results!
            <div id="fourth-box" class="feature">
                <h1>fourth box!</h1>
                <img src="/static/lyphe.png" alt="lorem ipsum dolor sit amet"/>
                    i haven't decided what to put here yet! we're still in alpha so i'm sure i'll come up with something
                    eventually, but i wanted this fourth box because i feel like the design flows nicer with it (:
                    ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo
                    duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla
                    excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id
                    est laborum.

{% include "ui/footer.html" %}
{% endblock %}