* If you are building for a different Espressif MCU, change the `MCU` variable, the `xtensa-esp32-espidf` target and the name of the `CARGO_TARGET_<esp-idf-target-uppercase>_LINKER` variable to match your MCU and its Rust target. Available Espressif MCUs and targets are:
* esp32 / xtensa-esp32-espidf
* esp32s2 / xtensa-esp32s2-espidf
* esp32s3 / xtensa-esp32s3-espidf
* esp32c3 / riscv32imc-esp-espidf
* esp32c5 / riscv32imc-esp-espidf
* esp32c6 / risxcv32imac-esp-espidf
* Put in `WIFI_SSID` / `WIFI_PASS` the SSID & password for your wireless router
* Flash using the `espflash` utility described in the build prerequsites' link above
## Test
With the `chip-tool` (the current tool for testing Matter) use the Ethernet commissioning mechanism: