/* * * Copyright (c) 2020-2022 Project CHIP Authors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ use core::cell::Cell; use core::convert::TryInto; use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex, Once}; use matter::{ attribute_enum, command_enum, data_model::objects::{ Access, AttrData, AttrDataEncoder, AttrDataWriter, AttrDetails, AttrType, Attribute, Cluster, CmdDataEncoder, CmdDataWriter, CmdDetails, Dataver, Handler, NonBlockingHandler, Quality, ATTRIBUTE_LIST, FEATURE_MAP, }, error::{Error, ErrorCode}, interaction_model::messages::ib::{attr_list_write, ListOperation}, tlv::{TLVElement, TagType}, transport::exchange::Exchange, utils::rand::Rand, }; use num_derive::FromPrimitive; use strum::{EnumDiscriminants, FromRepr}; pub const ID: u32 = 0xABCD; #[derive(FromRepr, EnumDiscriminants)] #[repr(u16)] pub enum Attributes { Att1(AttrType<u16>) = 0, Att2(AttrType<u16>) = 1, AttWrite(AttrType<u16>) = 2, AttCustom(AttrType<u32>) = 3, AttWriteList(()) = 4, } attribute_enum!(Attributes); #[derive(FromRepr)] #[repr(u32)] pub enum Commands { EchoReq = 0x00, } command_enum!(Commands); #[derive(FromPrimitive)] pub enum RespCommands { EchoResp = 0x01, } pub const CLUSTER: Cluster<'static> = Cluster { id: ID, feature_map: 0, attributes: &[ FEATURE_MAP, ATTRIBUTE_LIST, Attribute::new( AttributesDiscriminants::Att1 as u16, Access::RV, Quality::NONE, ), Attribute::new( AttributesDiscriminants::Att2 as u16, Access::RV, Quality::NONE, ), Attribute::new( AttributesDiscriminants::AttWrite as u16, Access::WRITE.union(Access::NEED_ADMIN), Quality::NONE, ), Attribute::new( AttributesDiscriminants::AttCustom as u16, Access::READ.union(Access::NEED_VIEW), Quality::NONE, ), Attribute::new( AttributesDiscriminants::AttWriteList as u16, Access::WRITE.union(Access::NEED_ADMIN), Quality::NONE, ), ], commands: &[Commands::EchoReq as _], }; /// This is used in the tests to validate any settings that may have happened /// to the custom data parts of the cluster pub struct TestChecker { pub write_list: [Option<u16>; WRITE_LIST_MAX], } static mut G_TEST_CHECKER: Option<Arc<Mutex<TestChecker>>> = None; static INIT: Once = Once::new(); impl TestChecker { fn new() -> Self { Self { write_list: [None; WRITE_LIST_MAX], } } /// Get a handle to the globally unique mDNS instance pub fn get() -> Result<Arc<Mutex<Self>>, Error> { unsafe { INIT.call_once(|| { G_TEST_CHECKER = Some(Arc::new(Mutex::new(Self::new()))); }); Ok(G_TEST_CHECKER.as_ref().ok_or(ErrorCode::Invalid)?.clone()) } } } pub const WRITE_LIST_MAX: usize = 5; pub struct EchoCluster { pub data_ver: Dataver, pub multiplier: u8, pub att1: Cell<u16>, pub att2: Cell<u16>, pub att_write: Cell<u16>, pub att_custom: Cell<u32>, } impl EchoCluster { pub fn new(multiplier: u8, rand: Rand) -> Self { Self { data_ver: Dataver::new(rand), multiplier, att1: Cell::new(0x1234), att2: Cell::new(0x5678), att_write: Cell::new(ATTR_WRITE_DEFAULT_VALUE), att_custom: Cell::new(ATTR_CUSTOM_VALUE), } } pub fn read(&self, attr: &AttrDetails, encoder: AttrDataEncoder) -> Result<(), Error> { if let Some(mut writer) = encoder.with_dataver(self.data_ver.get())? { if attr.is_system() { CLUSTER.read(attr.attr_id, writer) } else { match attr.attr_id.try_into()? { Attributes::Att1(codec) => codec.encode(writer, 0x1234), Attributes::Att2(codec) => codec.encode(writer, 0x5678), Attributes::AttWrite(codec) => codec.encode(writer, ATTR_WRITE_DEFAULT_VALUE), Attributes::AttCustom(codec) => codec.encode(writer, ATTR_CUSTOM_VALUE), Attributes::AttWriteList(_) => { let tc_handle = TestChecker::get().unwrap(); let tc = tc_handle.lock().unwrap(); writer.start_array(AttrDataWriter::TAG)?; for i in tc.write_list.iter().flatten() { writer.u16(TagType::Anonymous, *i)?; } writer.end_container()?; writer.complete() } } } } else { Ok(()) } } pub fn write(&self, attr: &AttrDetails, data: AttrData) -> Result<(), Error> { let data = data.with_dataver(self.data_ver.get())?; match attr.attr_id.try_into()? { Attributes::Att1(codec) => self.att1.set(codec.decode(data)?), Attributes::Att2(codec) => self.att2.set(codec.decode(data)?), Attributes::AttWrite(codec) => self.att_write.set(codec.decode(data)?), Attributes::AttCustom(codec) => self.att_custom.set(codec.decode(data)?), Attributes::AttWriteList(_) => { attr_list_write(attr, data, |op, data| self.write_attr_list(&op, data))? } } self.data_ver.changed(); Ok(()) } pub fn invoke( &self, _exchange: &Exchange, cmd: &CmdDetails, data: &TLVElement, encoder: CmdDataEncoder, ) -> Result<(), Error> { match cmd.cmd_id.try_into()? { // This will generate an echo response on the same endpoint // with data multiplied by the multiplier Commands::EchoReq => { let a = data.u8()?; let mut writer = encoder.with_command(RespCommands::EchoResp as _)?; writer.start_struct(CmdDataWriter::TAG)?; // Echo = input * self.multiplier writer.u8(TagType::Context(0), a * self.multiplier)?; writer.end_container()?; writer.complete() } } } fn write_attr_list(&self, op: &ListOperation, data: &TLVElement) -> Result<(), Error> { let tc_handle = TestChecker::get().unwrap(); let mut tc = tc_handle.lock().unwrap(); match op { ListOperation::AddItem => { let data = data.u16()?; for i in 0..WRITE_LIST_MAX { if tc.write_list[i].is_none() { tc.write_list[i] = Some(data); return Ok(()); } } Err(ErrorCode::ResourceExhausted.into()) } ListOperation::EditItem(index) => { let data = data.u16()?; if tc.write_list[*index as usize].is_some() { tc.write_list[*index as usize] = Some(data); Ok(()) } else { Err(ErrorCode::InvalidAction.into()) } } ListOperation::DeleteItem(index) => { if tc.write_list[*index as usize].is_some() { tc.write_list[*index as usize] = None; Ok(()) } else { Err(ErrorCode::InvalidAction.into()) } } ListOperation::DeleteList => { for i in 0..WRITE_LIST_MAX { tc.write_list[i] = None; } Ok(()) } } } } pub const ATTR_CUSTOM_VALUE: u32 = 0xcafebeef; pub const ATTR_WRITE_DEFAULT_VALUE: u16 = 0xcafe; impl Handler for EchoCluster { fn read(&self, attr: &AttrDetails, encoder: AttrDataEncoder) -> Result<(), Error> { EchoCluster::read(self, attr, encoder) } fn write(&self, attr: &AttrDetails, data: AttrData) -> Result<(), Error> { EchoCluster::write(self, attr, data) } fn invoke( &self, exchange: &Exchange, cmd: &CmdDetails, data: &TLVElement, encoder: CmdDataEncoder, ) -> Result<(), Error> { EchoCluster::invoke(self, exchange, cmd, data, encoder) } } impl NonBlockingHandler for EchoCluster {}