/* * * Copyright (c) 2020-2022 Project CHIP Authors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ use core::{mem::MaybeUninit, pin::pin}; use crate::{ alloc, data_model::{core::DataModel, objects::DataModelHandler}, interaction_model::core::PROTO_ID_INTERACTION_MODEL, transport::network::{Address, IpAddr, Ipv6Addr, SocketAddr}, CommissioningData, Matter, }; use embassy_futures::select::{select, select3, select_slice, Either}; use embassy_sync::{blocking_mutex::raw::NoopRawMutex, channel::Channel}; use log::{error, info, warn}; use crate::{ error::Error, secure_channel::{common::PROTO_ID_SECURE_CHANNEL, core::SecureChannel}, transport::packet::{Packet, MAX_RX_BUF_SIZE}, utils::select::EitherUnwrap, }; use super::{ core::Transport, exchange::{ExchangeCtr, Notification, MAX_EXCHANGES}, packet::{MAX_RX_STATUS_BUF_SIZE, MAX_TX_BUF_SIZE}, pipe::{Chunk, Pipe}, udp::UdpListener, }; pub type TxBuf = MaybeUninit<[u8; MAX_TX_BUF_SIZE]>; pub type RxBuf = MaybeUninit<[u8; MAX_RX_BUF_SIZE]>; type SxBuf = MaybeUninit<[u8; MAX_RX_STATUS_BUF_SIZE]>; struct PacketPools { tx: [TxBuf; MAX_EXCHANGES], rx: [RxBuf; MAX_EXCHANGES], sx: [SxBuf; MAX_EXCHANGES], } impl PacketPools { const TX_ELEM: TxBuf = MaybeUninit::uninit(); const RX_ELEM: RxBuf = MaybeUninit::uninit(); const SX_ELEM: SxBuf = MaybeUninit::uninit(); const TX_INIT: [TxBuf; MAX_EXCHANGES] = [Self::TX_ELEM; MAX_EXCHANGES]; const RX_INIT: [RxBuf; MAX_EXCHANGES] = [Self::RX_ELEM; MAX_EXCHANGES]; const SX_INIT: [SxBuf; MAX_EXCHANGES] = [Self::SX_ELEM; MAX_EXCHANGES]; #[inline(always)] pub const fn new() -> Self { Self { tx: Self::TX_INIT, rx: Self::RX_INIT, sx: Self::SX_INIT, } } } /// This struct implements an executor-agnostic option to run the Matter transport stack end-to-end. /// /// Since it is not possible to use executor tasks spawning in an executor-agnostic way (yet), /// the async loops are arranged as one giant future. Therefore, the cost is a slightly slower execution /// due to the generated future being relatively big and deeply nested. /// /// Users are free to implement their own async execution loop, by utilizing the `Transport` /// struct directly with their async executor of choice. pub struct TransportRunner<'a> { transport: Transport<'a>, pools: PacketPools, } impl<'a> TransportRunner<'a> { #[inline(always)] pub fn new(matter: &'a Matter<'a>) -> Self { Self::wrap(Transport::new(matter)) } #[inline(always)] pub const fn wrap(transport: Transport<'a>) -> Self { Self { transport, pools: PacketPools::new(), } } pub fn transport(&self) -> &Transport { &self.transport } pub async fn run_udp( &mut self, tx_buf: &mut TxBuf, rx_buf: &mut RxBuf, dev_comm: CommissioningData, handler: &H, ) -> Result<(), Error> where H: DataModelHandler, { let udp = UdpListener::new(SocketAddr::new( IpAddr::V6(Ipv6Addr::UNSPECIFIED), self.transport.matter().port, )) .await?; let tx_pipe = Pipe::new(unsafe { tx_buf.assume_init_mut() }); let rx_pipe = Pipe::new(unsafe { rx_buf.assume_init_mut() }); let tx_pipe = &tx_pipe; let rx_pipe = &rx_pipe; let udp = &udp; let mut tx = pin!(async move { loop { { let mut data = tx_pipe.data.lock().await; if let Some(chunk) = data.chunk { udp.send(chunk.addr.unwrap_udp(), &data.buf[chunk.start..chunk.end]) .await?; data.chunk = None; tx_pipe.data_consumed_notification.signal(()); } } tx_pipe.data_supplied_notification.wait().await; } }); let mut rx = pin!(async move { loop { { let mut data = rx_pipe.data.lock().await; if data.chunk.is_none() { let (len, addr) = udp.recv(data.buf).await?; data.chunk = Some(Chunk { start: 0, end: len, addr: Address::Udp(addr), }); rx_pipe.data_supplied_notification.signal(()); } } rx_pipe.data_consumed_notification.wait().await; } }); let mut run = pin!(async move { self.run(tx_pipe, rx_pipe, dev_comm, handler).await }); select3(&mut tx, &mut rx, &mut run).await.unwrap() } pub async fn run( &mut self, tx_pipe: &Pipe<'_>, rx_pipe: &Pipe<'_>, dev_comm: CommissioningData, handler: &H, ) -> Result<(), Error> where H: DataModelHandler, { info!("Running Matter transport"); let buf = unsafe { self.pools.rx[0].assume_init_mut() }; if self.transport.matter().start_comissioning(dev_comm, buf)? { info!("Comissioning started"); } let construction_notification = Notification::new(); let mut rx = pin!(Self::handle_rx( &self.transport, &mut self.pools, rx_pipe, &construction_notification, handler )); let mut tx = pin!(Self::handle_tx(&self.transport, tx_pipe)); select(&mut rx, &mut tx).await.unwrap() } async fn handle_rx( transport: &Transport<'_>, pools: &mut PacketPools, rx_pipe: &Pipe<'_>, construction_notification: &Notification, handler: &H, ) -> Result<(), Error> where H: DataModelHandler, { info!("Creating queue for {} exchanges", 1); let channel = Channel::::new(); info!("Creating {} handlers", MAX_EXCHANGES); let mut handlers = heapless::Vec::<_, MAX_EXCHANGES>::new(); info!("Handlers size: {}", core::mem::size_of_val(&handlers)); let pools = &mut *pools as *mut _; for index in 0..MAX_EXCHANGES { let channel = &channel; let handler_id = index; handlers .push(async move { loop { let exchange_ctr: ExchangeCtr<'_> = channel.recv().await; info!( "Handler {}: Got exchange {:?}", handler_id, exchange_ctr.id() ); let result = Self::handle_exchange( transport, pools, handler_id, exchange_ctr, handler, ) .await; if let Err(err) = result { warn!( "Handler {}: Exchange closed because of error: {:?}", handler_id, err ); } else { info!("Handler {}: Exchange completed", handler_id); } } }) .map_err(|_| ()) .unwrap(); } let mut rx = pin!(async { loop { info!("Transport: waiting for incoming packets"); { let mut data = rx_pipe.data.lock().await; if let Some(chunk) = data.chunk { let mut rx = alloc!(Packet::new_rx(&mut data.buf[chunk.start..chunk.end])); rx.peer = chunk.addr; if let Some(exchange_ctr) = transport.process_rx(construction_notification, &mut rx)? { let exchange_id = exchange_ctr.id().clone(); info!("Transport: got new exchange: {:?}", exchange_id); channel.send(exchange_ctr).await; info!("Transport: exchange sent"); transport .wait_construction(construction_notification, &rx, &exchange_id) .await?; info!("Transport: exchange started"); } data.chunk = None; rx_pipe.data_consumed_notification.signal(()); } } rx_pipe.data_supplied_notification.wait().await } #[allow(unreachable_code)] Ok::<_, Error>(()) }); let result = select(&mut rx, select_slice(&mut handlers)).await; if let Either::First(result) = result { if let Err(e) = &result { error!("Exitting RX loop due to an error: {:?}", e); } result?; } Ok(()) } async fn handle_tx(transport: &Transport<'_>, tx_pipe: &Pipe<'_>) -> Result<(), Error> { loop { loop { { let mut data = tx_pipe.data.lock().await; if data.chunk.is_none() { let mut tx = alloc!(Packet::new_tx(data.buf)); if transport.pull_tx(&mut tx).await? { data.chunk = Some(Chunk { start: tx.get_writebuf()?.get_start(), end: tx.get_writebuf()?.get_tail(), addr: tx.peer, }); tx_pipe.data_supplied_notification.signal(()); } else { break; } } } tx_pipe.data_consumed_notification.wait().await; } transport.wait_tx().await?; } } #[cfg_attr(feature = "nightly", allow(clippy::await_holding_refcell_ref))] // Fine because of the async mutex async fn handle_exchange( transport: &Transport<'_>, pools: *mut PacketPools, handler_id: usize, exchange_ctr: ExchangeCtr<'_>, handler: &H, ) -> Result<(), Error> where H: DataModelHandler, { let pools = unsafe { pools.as_mut() }.unwrap(); let tx_buf = unsafe { pools.tx[handler_id].assume_init_mut() }; let rx_buf = unsafe { pools.rx[handler_id].assume_init_mut() }; let rx_status_buf = unsafe { pools.sx[handler_id].assume_init_mut() }; let mut rx = alloc!(Packet::new_rx(rx_buf.as_mut())); let mut tx = alloc!(Packet::new_tx(tx_buf.as_mut())); let mut exchange = alloc!(exchange_ctr.get(&mut rx).await?); match rx.get_proto_id() { PROTO_ID_SECURE_CHANNEL => { let sc = SecureChannel::new(transport.matter()); sc.handle(&mut exchange, &mut rx, &mut tx).await?; transport.notify_changed(); } PROTO_ID_INTERACTION_MODEL => { let dm = DataModel::new(handler); let mut rx_status = alloc!(Packet::new_rx(rx_status_buf)); dm.handle(&mut exchange, &mut rx, &mut tx, &mut rx_status) .await?; transport.notify_changed(); } other => { error!("Unknown Proto-ID: {}", other); } } Ok(()) } }