use core::{cell::RefCell, pin::pin}; use domain::base::name::FromStrError; use domain::base::{octets::ParseError, ShortBuf}; use embassy_futures::select::select; use embassy_time::{Duration, Timer}; use log::info; use crate::data_model::cluster_basic_information::BasicInfoConfig; use crate::error::{Error, ErrorCode}; use crate::transport::network::{Address, IpAddr, Ipv4Addr, Ipv6Addr, SocketAddr}; use crate::transport::pipe::{Chunk, Pipe}; use crate::utils::select::{EitherUnwrap, Notification}; use super::{ proto::{Host, Services}, Service, ServiceMode, }; const IP_BROADCAST_ADDR: Ipv4Addr = Ipv4Addr::new(224, 0, 0, 251); const IPV6_BROADCAST_ADDR: Ipv6Addr = Ipv6Addr::new(0xff02, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x00fb); const PORT: u16 = 5353; #[cfg(any(feature = "std", feature = "embassy-net"))] pub struct MdnsRunBuffers { udp: crate::transport::udp::UdpBuffers, tx_buf: core::mem::MaybeUninit<[u8; crate::transport::packet::MAX_TX_BUF_SIZE]>, rx_buf: core::mem::MaybeUninit<[u8; crate::transport::packet::MAX_RX_BUF_SIZE]>, } #[cfg(any(feature = "std", feature = "embassy-net"))] impl MdnsRunBuffers { #[inline(always)] pub const fn new() -> Self { Self { udp: crate::transport::udp::UdpBuffers::new(), tx_buf: core::mem::MaybeUninit::uninit(), rx_buf: core::mem::MaybeUninit::uninit(), } } } pub struct MdnsService<'a> { host: Host<'a>, #[allow(unused)] interface: Option, dev_det: &'a BasicInfoConfig<'a>, matter_port: u16, services: RefCell, ServiceMode), 4>>, notification: Notification, } impl<'a> MdnsService<'a> { #[inline(always)] pub const fn new( id: u16, hostname: &'a str, ip: [u8; 4], ipv6: Option<([u8; 16], u32)>, dev_det: &'a BasicInfoConfig<'a>, matter_port: u16, ) -> Self { Self { host: Host { id, hostname, ip, ipv6: if let Some((ipv6, _)) = ipv6 { Some(ipv6) } else { None }, }, interface: if let Some((_, interface)) = ipv6 { Some(interface) } else { None }, dev_det, matter_port, services: RefCell::new(heapless::Vec::new()), notification: Notification::new(), } } pub fn add(&self, service: &str, mode: ServiceMode) -> Result<(), Error> { let mut services =; services.retain(|(name, _)| name != service); services .push((service.into(), mode)) .map_err(|_| ErrorCode::NoSpace)?; self.notification.signal(()); Ok(()) } pub fn remove(&self, service: &str) -> Result<(), Error> { let mut services =; services.retain(|(name, _)| name != service); Ok(()) } pub fn for_each(&self, mut callback: F) -> Result<(), Error> where F: FnMut(&Service) -> Result<(), Error>, { let services =; for (service, mode) in &*services { mode.service(self.dev_det, self.matter_port, service, |service| { callback(service) })?; } Ok(()) } #[cfg(any(feature = "std", feature = "embassy-net"))] pub async fn run( &self, stack: &crate::transport::network::NetworkStack, buffers: &mut MdnsRunBuffers, ) -> Result<(), Error> where D: crate::transport::network::NetworkStackDriver, { let mut udp = crate::transport::udp::UdpListener::new( stack, crate::transport::network::SocketAddr::new(IpAddr::V6(Ipv6Addr::UNSPECIFIED), PORT), &mut buffers.udp, ) .await?; // V6 multicast does not work with smoltcp yet (see #[cfg(not(feature = "embassy-net"))] if let Some(interface) = self.interface { udp.join_multicast_v6(IPV6_BROADCAST_ADDR, interface) .await?; } udp.join_multicast_v4( IP_BROADCAST_ADDR, crate::transport::network::Ipv4Addr::from(, ) .await?; let tx_pipe = Pipe::new(unsafe { buffers.tx_buf.assume_init_mut() }); let rx_pipe = Pipe::new(unsafe { buffers.rx_buf.assume_init_mut() }); let tx_pipe = &tx_pipe; let rx_pipe = &rx_pipe; let udp = &udp; let mut tx = pin!(async move { loop { { let mut data =; if let Some(chunk) = data.chunk { udp.send(chunk.addr.unwrap_udp(), &data.buf[chunk.start..chunk.end]) .await?; data.chunk = None; tx_pipe.data_consumed_notification.signal(()); } } tx_pipe.data_supplied_notification.wait().await; } }); let mut rx = pin!(async move { loop { { let mut data =; if data.chunk.is_none() { let (len, addr) = udp.recv(data.buf).await?; data.chunk = Some(Chunk { start: 0, end: len, addr: Address::Udp(addr), }); rx_pipe.data_supplied_notification.signal(()); } } rx_pipe.data_consumed_notification.wait().await; } }); let mut run = pin!(async move { self.run_piped(tx_pipe, rx_pipe).await }); embassy_futures::select::select3(&mut tx, &mut rx, &mut run) .await .unwrap() } pub async fn run_piped(&self, tx_pipe: &Pipe<'_>, rx_pipe: &Pipe<'_>) -> Result<(), Error> { let mut broadcast = pin!(self.broadcast(tx_pipe)); let mut respond = pin!(self.respond(rx_pipe, tx_pipe)); select(&mut broadcast, &mut respond).await.unwrap() } #[allow(clippy::await_holding_refcell_ref)] async fn broadcast(&self, tx_pipe: &Pipe<'_>) -> Result<(), Error> { loop { select( self.notification.wait(), Timer::after(Duration::from_secs(30)), ) .await; for addr in [ IpAddr::V4(IP_BROADCAST_ADDR), IpAddr::V6(IPV6_BROADCAST_ADDR), ] { if self.interface.is_some() || addr == IpAddr::V4(IP_BROADCAST_ADDR) { loop { let sent = { let mut data =; if data.chunk.is_none() { let len =, data.buf, 60)?; if len > 0 { info!("Broadasting mDNS entry to {}:{}", addr, PORT); data.chunk = Some(Chunk { start: 0, end: len, addr: Address::Udp(SocketAddr::new(addr, PORT)), }); tx_pipe.data_supplied_notification.signal(()); } true } else { false } }; if sent { break; } else { tx_pipe.data_consumed_notification.wait().await; } } } } } } #[allow(clippy::await_holding_refcell_ref)] async fn respond(&self, rx_pipe: &Pipe<'_>, tx_pipe: &Pipe<'_>) -> Result<(), Error> { loop { { let mut rx_data =; if let Some(rx_chunk) = rx_data.chunk { let data = &rx_data.buf[rx_chunk.start..rx_chunk.end]; loop { let sent = { let mut tx_data =; if tx_data.chunk.is_none() { let len =, data, tx_data.buf, 60)?; if len > 0 { info!("Replying to mDNS query from {}", rx_chunk.addr); tx_data.chunk = Some(Chunk { start: 0, end: len, addr: rx_chunk.addr, }); tx_pipe.data_supplied_notification.signal(()); } true } else { false } }; if sent { break; } else { tx_pipe.data_consumed_notification.wait().await; } } // info!("Got mDNS query"); rx_data.chunk = None; rx_pipe.data_consumed_notification.signal(()); } } rx_pipe.data_supplied_notification.wait().await; } } } impl<'a> Services for MdnsService<'a> { type Error = crate::error::Error; fn for_each(&self, callback: F) -> Result<(), Error> where F: FnMut(&Service) -> Result<(), Error>, { MdnsService::for_each(self, callback) } } impl<'a> super::Mdns for MdnsService<'a> { fn add(&self, service: &str, mode: ServiceMode) -> Result<(), Error> { MdnsService::add(self, service, mode) } fn remove(&self, service: &str) -> Result<(), Error> { MdnsService::remove(self, service) } } impl From for Error { fn from(_e: ShortBuf) -> Self { Self::new(ErrorCode::NoSpace) } } impl From for Error { fn from(_e: ParseError) -> Self { Self::new(ErrorCode::MdnsError) } } impl From for Error { fn from(_e: FromStrError) -> Self { Self::new(ErrorCode::MdnsError) } }