/* * * Copyright (c) 2020-2022 Project CHIP Authors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ use matter::{ data_model::{ cluster_basic_information as basic_info, cluster_on_off as onoff, objects::{EncodeValue, GlobalElements}, sdm::{admin_commissioning as adm_comm, general_commissioning as gen_comm, noc}, system_model::{access_control as acl, descriptor}, }, interaction_model::{ core::{IMStatusCode, OpCode}, messages::GenericPath, messages::{ ib::{AttrData, AttrPath, AttrResp}, msg::{ReadReq, ReportDataMsg, StatusResp}, }, }, tlv::{self, ElementType, FromTLV, TLVElement, TagType, ToTLV}, transport::{ exchange::{self, Exchange}, udp::MAX_RX_BUF_SIZE, }, }; use crate::{ attr_data, common::{ attributes::*, echo_cluster as echo, im_engine::{ImEngine, ImInput}, }, }; pub struct LongRead { im_engine: ImEngine, } impl LongRead { pub fn new() -> Self { let mut im_engine = ImEngine::new(); // Use the same exchange for all parts of the transaction im_engine.exch = Some(Exchange::new(1, 0, exchange::Role::Responder)); Self { im_engine } } pub fn process<'a>( &mut self, action: OpCode, data: &dyn ToTLV, data_out: &'a mut [u8], ) -> (u8, &'a mut [u8]) { let input = ImInput::new(action, data); let (response, output) = self.im_engine.process(&input, data_out); (response, output) } } fn wildcard_read_resp(part: u8) -> Vec> { // For brevity, we only check the AttrPath, not the actual 'data' let dont_care = ElementType::U8(0); let part1 = vec![ attr_data!(0, 29, GlobalElements::FeatureMap, dont_care), attr_data!(0, 29, GlobalElements::AttributeList, dont_care), attr_data!(0, 29, descriptor::Attributes::DeviceTypeList, dont_care), attr_data!(0, 29, descriptor::Attributes::ServerList, dont_care), attr_data!(0, 29, descriptor::Attributes::PartsList, dont_care), attr_data!(0, 29, descriptor::Attributes::ClientList, dont_care), attr_data!(0, 40, GlobalElements::FeatureMap, dont_care), attr_data!(0, 40, GlobalElements::AttributeList, dont_care), attr_data!(0, 40, basic_info::Attributes::DMRevision, dont_care), attr_data!(0, 40, basic_info::Attributes::VendorId, dont_care), attr_data!(0, 40, basic_info::Attributes::ProductId, dont_care), attr_data!(0, 40, basic_info::Attributes::HwVer, dont_care), attr_data!(0, 40, basic_info::Attributes::SwVer, dont_care), attr_data!(0, 40, basic_info::Attributes::SwVerString, dont_care), attr_data!(0, 40, basic_info::Attributes::SerialNo, dont_care), attr_data!(0, 48, GlobalElements::FeatureMap, dont_care), attr_data!(0, 48, GlobalElements::AttributeList, dont_care), attr_data!(0, 48, gen_comm::Attributes::BreadCrumb, dont_care), attr_data!(0, 48, gen_comm::Attributes::RegConfig, dont_care), attr_data!(0, 48, gen_comm::Attributes::LocationCapability, dont_care), attr_data!( 0, 48, gen_comm::Attributes::BasicCommissioningInfo, dont_care ), attr_data!(0, 49, GlobalElements::FeatureMap, dont_care), attr_data!(0, 49, GlobalElements::AttributeList, dont_care), attr_data!(0, 60, GlobalElements::FeatureMap, dont_care), attr_data!(0, 60, GlobalElements::AttributeList, dont_care), attr_data!(0, 60, adm_comm::Attributes::WindowStatus, dont_care), attr_data!(0, 60, adm_comm::Attributes::AdminFabricIndex, dont_care), attr_data!(0, 60, adm_comm::Attributes::AdminVendorId, dont_care), attr_data!(0, 62, GlobalElements::FeatureMap, dont_care), attr_data!(0, 62, GlobalElements::AttributeList, dont_care), attr_data!(0, 62, noc::Attributes::CurrentFabricIndex, dont_care), attr_data!(0, 62, noc::Attributes::Fabrics, dont_care), attr_data!(0, 62, noc::Attributes::SupportedFabrics, dont_care), attr_data!(0, 62, noc::Attributes::CommissionedFabrics, dont_care), attr_data!(0, 31, GlobalElements::FeatureMap, dont_care), attr_data!(0, 31, GlobalElements::AttributeList, dont_care), attr_data!(0, 31, acl::Attributes::Acl, dont_care), attr_data!(0, 31, acl::Attributes::Extension, dont_care), attr_data!(0, 31, acl::Attributes::SubjectsPerEntry, dont_care), attr_data!(0, 31, acl::Attributes::TargetsPerEntry, dont_care), attr_data!(0, 31, acl::Attributes::EntriesPerFabric, dont_care), attr_data!(0, echo::ID, GlobalElements::FeatureMap, dont_care), attr_data!(0, echo::ID, GlobalElements::AttributeList, dont_care), attr_data!(0, echo::ID, echo::Attributes::Att1, dont_care), attr_data!(0, echo::ID, echo::Attributes::Att2, dont_care), attr_data!(0, echo::ID, echo::Attributes::AttCustom, dont_care), attr_data!(1, 29, GlobalElements::FeatureMap, dont_care), attr_data!(1, 29, GlobalElements::AttributeList, dont_care), attr_data!(1, 29, descriptor::Attributes::DeviceTypeList, dont_care), ]; let part2 = vec![ attr_data!(1, 29, descriptor::Attributes::ServerList, dont_care), attr_data!(1, 29, descriptor::Attributes::PartsList, dont_care), attr_data!(1, 29, descriptor::Attributes::ClientList, dont_care), attr_data!(1, 6, GlobalElements::FeatureMap, dont_care), attr_data!(1, 6, GlobalElements::AttributeList, dont_care), attr_data!(1, 6, onoff::Attributes::OnOff, dont_care), attr_data!(1, echo::ID, GlobalElements::FeatureMap, dont_care), attr_data!(1, echo::ID, GlobalElements::AttributeList, dont_care), attr_data!(1, echo::ID, echo::Attributes::Att1, dont_care), attr_data!(1, echo::ID, echo::Attributes::Att2, dont_care), attr_data!(1, echo::ID, echo::Attributes::AttCustom, dont_care), ]; if part == 1 { part1 } else { part2 } } #[test] fn test_long_read_success() { // Read the entire attribute database, which requires 2 reads to complete let _ = env_logger::try_init(); let mut lr = LongRead::new(); let mut output = [0_u8; MAX_RX_BUF_SIZE + 100]; let wc_path = GenericPath::new(None, None, None); let read_all = [AttrPath::new(&wc_path)]; let read_req = ReadReq::new(true).set_attr_requests(&read_all); let expected_part1 = wildcard_read_resp(1); let (out_code, out_data) = lr.process(OpCode::ReadRequest, &read_req, &mut output); let root = tlv::get_root_node_struct(out_data).unwrap(); let report_data = ReportDataMsg::from_tlv(&root).unwrap(); assert_attr_report_skip_data(&report_data, &expected_part1); assert_eq!(report_data.more_chunks, Some(true)); assert_eq!(out_code, OpCode::ReportData as u8); // Ask for the next read by sending a status report let status_report = StatusResp { status: IMStatusCode::Success, }; let expected_part2 = wildcard_read_resp(2); let (out_code, out_data) = lr.process(OpCode::StatusResponse, &status_report, &mut output); let root = tlv::get_root_node_struct(out_data).unwrap(); let report_data = ReportDataMsg::from_tlv(&root).unwrap(); assert_attr_report_skip_data(&report_data, &expected_part2); assert_eq!(report_data.more_chunks, None); assert_eq!(out_code, OpCode::ReportData as u8); }