/* * * Copyright (c) 2020-2022 Project CHIP Authors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ use std::time::{Duration, SystemTime}; use crate::{ error::*, interaction_model::messages::msg::StatusResp, tlv::{self, get_root_node_struct, FromTLV, TLVElement, TLVWriter, TagType, ToTLV}, transport::{ exchange::Exchange, packet::Packet, proto_demux::{self, ProtoCtx, ResponseRequired}, session::Session, }, }; use colored::Colorize; use log::{error, info}; use num; use num_derive::FromPrimitive; use super::InteractionModel; use super::Transaction; use super::TransactionState; use super::{messages::msg::TimedReq, InteractionConsumer}; /* Handle messages related to the Interation Model */ /* Interaction Model ID as per the Matter Spec */ const PROTO_ID_INTERACTION_MODEL: usize = 0x01; #[derive(FromPrimitive, Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq)] pub enum OpCode { Reserved = 0, StatusResponse = 1, ReadRequest = 2, SubscribeRequest = 3, SubscriptResponse = 4, ReportData = 5, WriteRequest = 6, WriteResponse = 7, InvokeRequest = 8, InvokeResponse = 9, TimedRequest = 10, } impl<'a> Transaction<'a> { pub fn new(session: &'a mut Session, exch: &'a mut Exchange) -> Self { Self { state: TransactionState::Ongoing, session, exch, } } /// Terminates the transaction, no communication (even ACKs) happens hence forth pub fn terminate(&mut self) { self.state = TransactionState::Terminate } pub fn is_terminate(&self) -> bool { self.state == TransactionState::Terminate } /// Marks the transaction as completed from the application's perspective pub fn complete(&mut self) { self.state = TransactionState::Complete } pub fn is_complete(&self) -> bool { self.state == TransactionState::Complete } pub fn set_timeout(&mut self, timeout: u64) { self.exch .set_data_time(SystemTime::now().checked_add(Duration::from_millis(timeout))); } pub fn get_timeout(&mut self) -> Option { self.exch.get_data_time() } pub fn has_timed_out(&self) -> bool { if let Some(timeout) = self.exch.get_data_time() { if SystemTime::now() > timeout { return true; } } false } } impl InteractionModel { pub fn new(consumer: Box) -> InteractionModel { InteractionModel { consumer } } pub fn handle_subscribe_req( &mut self, trans: &mut Transaction, rx_buf: &[u8], proto_tx: &mut Packet, ) -> Result { let mut tw = TLVWriter::new(proto_tx.get_writebuf()?); let (opcode, resp) = self.consumer.consume_subscribe(rx_buf, trans, &mut tw)?; proto_tx.set_proto_opcode(opcode as u8); Ok(resp) } pub fn handle_status_resp( &mut self, trans: &mut Transaction, rx_buf: &[u8], proto_tx: &mut Packet, ) -> Result { let mut tw = TLVWriter::new(proto_tx.get_writebuf()?); let root = get_root_node_struct(rx_buf)?; let req = StatusResp::from_tlv(&root)?; let (opcode, resp) = self.consumer.consume_status_report(&req, trans, &mut tw)?; proto_tx.set_proto_opcode(opcode as u8); Ok(resp) } pub fn handle_timed_req( &mut self, trans: &mut Transaction, rx_buf: &[u8], proto_tx: &mut Packet, ) -> Result { proto_tx.set_proto_opcode(OpCode::StatusResponse as u8); let root = get_root_node_struct(rx_buf)?; let req = TimedReq::from_tlv(&root)?; trans.set_timeout(req.timeout.into()); let status = StatusResp { status: IMStatusCode::Success, }; let mut tw = TLVWriter::new(proto_tx.get_writebuf()?); let _ = status.to_tlv(&mut tw, TagType::Anonymous); Ok(ResponseRequired::Yes) } /// Handle Request Timeouts /// This API checks if a request was a timed request, and if so, and if the timeout has /// expired, it will generate the appropriate response as expected pub(super) fn req_timeout_handled( trans: &mut Transaction, proto_tx: &mut Packet, ) -> Result { if trans.has_timed_out() { trans.complete(); InteractionModel::create_status_response(proto_tx, IMStatusCode::Timeout)?; Ok(true) } else { Ok(false) } } pub(super) fn create_status_response( proto_tx: &mut Packet, status: IMStatusCode, ) -> Result<(), Error> { proto_tx.set_proto_opcode(OpCode::StatusResponse as u8); let mut tw = TLVWriter::new(proto_tx.get_writebuf()?); let status = StatusResp { status }; status.to_tlv(&mut tw, TagType::Anonymous) } } impl proto_demux::HandleProto for InteractionModel { fn handle_proto_id(&mut self, ctx: &mut ProtoCtx) -> Result { let mut trans = Transaction::new(&mut ctx.exch_ctx.sess, ctx.exch_ctx.exch); let proto_opcode: OpCode = num::FromPrimitive::from_u8(ctx.rx.get_proto_opcode()).ok_or(Error::Invalid)?; ctx.tx.set_proto_id(PROTO_ID_INTERACTION_MODEL as u16); let buf = ctx.rx.as_borrow_slice(); info!("{} {:?}", "Received command".cyan(), proto_opcode); tlv::print_tlv_list(buf); let result = match proto_opcode { OpCode::InvokeRequest => self.handle_invoke_req(&mut trans, buf, &mut ctx.tx)?, OpCode::ReadRequest => self.handle_read_req(&mut trans, buf, &mut ctx.tx)?, OpCode::WriteRequest => self.handle_write_req(&mut trans, buf, &mut ctx.tx)?, OpCode::TimedRequest => self.handle_timed_req(&mut trans, buf, &mut ctx.tx)?, OpCode::SubscribeRequest => self.handle_subscribe_req(&mut trans, buf, &mut ctx.tx)?, OpCode::StatusResponse => self.handle_status_resp(&mut trans, buf, &mut ctx.tx)?, _ => { error!("Opcode Not Handled: {:?}", proto_opcode); return Err(Error::InvalidOpcode); } }; if result == ResponseRequired::Yes { info!("Sending response"); tlv::print_tlv_list(ctx.tx.as_borrow_slice()); } if trans.is_terminate() { ctx.exch_ctx.exch.terminate(); } else if trans.is_complete() { ctx.exch_ctx.exch.close(); } Ok(result) } fn get_proto_id(&self) -> usize { PROTO_ID_INTERACTION_MODEL } } #[derive(FromPrimitive, Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)] pub enum IMStatusCode { Success = 0, Failure = 1, InvalidSubscription = 0x7D, UnsupportedAccess = 0x7E, UnsupportedEndpoint = 0x7F, InvalidAction = 0x80, UnsupportedCommand = 0x81, InvalidCommand = 0x85, UnsupportedAttribute = 0x86, ConstraintError = 0x87, UnsupportedWrite = 0x88, ResourceExhausted = 0x89, NotFound = 0x8b, UnreportableAttribute = 0x8c, InvalidDataType = 0x8d, UnsupportedRead = 0x8f, DataVersionMismatch = 0x92, Timeout = 0x94, Busy = 0x9c, UnsupportedCluster = 0xc3, NoUpstreamSubscription = 0xc5, NeedsTimedInteraction = 0xc6, UnsupportedEvent = 0xc7, PathsExhausted = 0xc8, TimedRequestMisMatch = 0xc9, FailSafeRequired = 0xca, } impl From for IMStatusCode { fn from(e: Error) -> Self { match e { Error::EndpointNotFound => IMStatusCode::UnsupportedEndpoint, Error::ClusterNotFound => IMStatusCode::UnsupportedCluster, Error::AttributeNotFound => IMStatusCode::UnsupportedAttribute, Error::CommandNotFound => IMStatusCode::UnsupportedCommand, _ => IMStatusCode::Failure, } } } impl FromTLV<'_> for IMStatusCode { fn from_tlv(t: &TLVElement) -> Result { num::FromPrimitive::from_u16(t.u16()?).ok_or(Error::Invalid) } } impl ToTLV for IMStatusCode { fn to_tlv(&self, tw: &mut TLVWriter, tag_type: TagType) -> Result<(), Error> { tw.u16(tag_type, *self as u16) } }