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588 lines
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* Copyright (c) 2020-2022 Project CHIP Authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
use crate::{
data_model::objects::{ClusterId, EndptId},
error::{Error, ErrorCode},
tlv::{FromTLV, TLVWriter, TagType, ToTLV},
// A generic path with endpoint, clusters, and a leaf
// The leaf could be command, attribute, event
#[derive(Default, Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, FromTLV, ToTLV)]
#[tlvargs(datatype = "list")]
pub struct GenericPath {
pub endpoint: Option<EndptId>,
pub cluster: Option<ClusterId>,
pub leaf: Option<u32>,
impl GenericPath {
pub fn new(endpoint: Option<EndptId>, cluster: Option<ClusterId>, leaf: Option<u32>) -> Self {
Self {
/// Returns Ok, if the path is non wildcard, otherwise returns an error
pub fn not_wildcard(&self) -> Result<(EndptId, ClusterId, u32), Error> {
match *self {
GenericPath {
endpoint: Some(e),
cluster: Some(c),
leaf: Some(l),
} => Ok((e, c, l)),
_ => Err(ErrorCode::Invalid.into()),
/// Returns true, if the path is wildcard
pub fn is_wildcard(&self) -> bool {
GenericPath {
endpoint: Some(_),
cluster: Some(_),
leaf: Some(_),
pub mod msg {
use crate::{
tlv::{FromTLV, TLVArray, TLVWriter, TagType, ToTLV},
use super::ib::{
self, AttrData, AttrPath, AttrResp, AttrStatus, CmdData, DataVersionFilter, EventFilter,
#[derive(Debug, Default, FromTLV, ToTLV)]
#[tlvargs(lifetime = "'a")]
pub struct SubscribeReq<'a> {
pub keep_subs: bool,
pub min_int_floor: u16,
pub max_int_ceil: u16,
pub attr_requests: Option<TLVArray<'a, AttrPath>>,
event_requests: Option<TLVArray<'a, EventPath>>,
event_filters: Option<TLVArray<'a, EventFilter>>,
// The Context Tags are discontiguous for some reason
_dummy: Option<bool>,
pub fabric_filtered: bool,
pub dataver_filters: Option<TLVArray<'a, DataVersionFilter>>,
impl<'a> SubscribeReq<'a> {
pub fn new(fabric_filtered: bool, min_int_floor: u16, max_int_ceil: u16) -> Self {
Self {
pub fn set_attr_requests(mut self, requests: &'a [AttrPath]) -> Self {
self.attr_requests = Some(TLVArray::new(requests));
pub fn to_read_req(&self) -> ReadReq<'a> {
ReadReq {
attr_requests: self.attr_requests,
event_requests: self.event_requests,
event_filters: self.event_filters,
fabric_filtered: self.fabric_filtered,
dataver_filters: self.dataver_filters,
#[derive(Debug, FromTLV, ToTLV)]
pub struct SubscribeResp {
pub subs_id: u32,
// The Context Tags are discontiguous for some reason
_dummy: Option<u32>,
pub max_int: u16,
impl SubscribeResp {
pub fn new(subs_id: u32, max_int: u16) -> Self {
Self {
_dummy: None,
#[derive(FromTLV, ToTLV)]
pub struct TimedReq {
pub timeout: u16,
#[derive(FromTLV, ToTLV)]
pub struct StatusResp {
pub status: IMStatusCode,
pub enum InvReqTag {
SupressResponse = 0,
TimedReq = 1,
InvokeRequests = 2,
#[derive(FromTLV, ToTLV)]
#[tlvargs(lifetime = "'a")]
pub struct InvReq<'a> {
pub suppress_response: Option<bool>,
pub timed_request: Option<bool>,
pub inv_requests: Option<TLVArray<'a, CmdData<'a>>>,
#[derive(FromTLV, ToTLV, Debug)]
#[tlvargs(lifetime = "'a")]
pub struct InvResp<'a> {
pub suppress_response: Option<bool>,
pub inv_responses: Option<TLVArray<'a, ib::InvResp<'a>>>,
// This enum is helpful when we are constructing the response
// step by step in incremental manner
pub enum InvRespTag {
SupressResponse = 0,
InvokeResponses = 1,
#[derive(Default, ToTLV, FromTLV, Debug)]
#[tlvargs(lifetime = "'a")]
pub struct ReadReq<'a> {
pub attr_requests: Option<TLVArray<'a, AttrPath>>,
event_requests: Option<TLVArray<'a, EventPath>>,
event_filters: Option<TLVArray<'a, EventFilter>>,
pub fabric_filtered: bool,
pub dataver_filters: Option<TLVArray<'a, DataVersionFilter>>,
impl<'a> ReadReq<'a> {
pub fn new(fabric_filtered: bool) -> Self {
Self {
pub fn set_attr_requests(mut self, requests: &'a [AttrPath]) -> Self {
self.attr_requests = Some(TLVArray::new(requests));
#[derive(FromTLV, ToTLV, Debug)]
#[tlvargs(lifetime = "'a")]
pub struct WriteReq<'a> {
pub supress_response: Option<bool>,
timed_request: Option<bool>,
pub write_requests: TLVArray<'a, AttrData<'a>>,
more_chunked: Option<bool>,
impl<'a> WriteReq<'a> {
pub fn new(supress_response: bool, write_requests: &'a [AttrData<'a>]) -> Self {
let mut w = Self {
supress_response: None,
write_requests: TLVArray::new(write_requests),
timed_request: None,
more_chunked: None,
if supress_response {
w.supress_response = Some(true);
// Report Data
#[derive(FromTLV, ToTLV, Debug)]
#[tlvargs(lifetime = "'a")]
pub struct ReportDataMsg<'a> {
pub subscription_id: Option<u32>,
pub attr_reports: Option<TLVArray<'a, AttrResp<'a>>>,
pub event_reports: Option<bool>,
pub more_chunks: Option<bool>,
pub suppress_response: Option<bool>,
pub enum ReportDataTag {
SubscriptionId = 0,
AttributeReports = 1,
_EventReport = 2,
MoreChunkedMsgs = 3,
SupressResponse = 4,
// Write Response
#[derive(ToTLV, FromTLV, Debug)]
#[tlvargs(lifetime = "'a")]
pub struct WriteResp<'a> {
pub write_responses: TLVArray<'a, AttrStatus>,
pub enum WriteRespTag {
WriteResponses = 0,
pub mod ib {
use core::fmt::Debug;
use crate::{
data_model::objects::{AttrDetails, AttrId, ClusterId, CmdId, EncodeValue, EndptId},
error::{Error, ErrorCode},
tlv::{FromTLV, Nullable, TLVElement, TLVWriter, TagType, ToTLV},
use log::error;
use super::GenericPath;
// Command Response
#[derive(Clone, Copy, FromTLV, ToTLV, Debug)]
#[tlvargs(lifetime = "'a")]
pub enum InvResp<'a> {
impl<'a> InvResp<'a> {
pub fn status_new(cmd_path: CmdPath, status: IMStatusCode, cluster_status: u16) -> Self {
Self::Status(CmdStatus {
path: cmd_path,
status: Status::new(status, cluster_status),
impl<'a> From<CmdData<'a>> for InvResp<'a> {
fn from(value: CmdData<'a>) -> Self {
pub enum InvRespTag {
Cmd = 0,
Status = 1,
impl<'a> From<CmdStatus> for InvResp<'a> {
fn from(value: CmdStatus) -> Self {
#[derive(FromTLV, ToTLV, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Debug)]
pub struct CmdStatus {
path: CmdPath,
status: Status,
impl CmdStatus {
pub fn new(path: CmdPath, status: IMStatusCode, cluster_status: u16) -> Self {
Self {
status: Status {
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, FromTLV, ToTLV)]
#[tlvargs(lifetime = "'a")]
pub struct CmdData<'a> {
pub path: CmdPath,
pub data: EncodeValue<'a>,
impl<'a> CmdData<'a> {
pub fn new(path: CmdPath, data: EncodeValue<'a>) -> Self {
Self { path, data }
pub enum CmdDataTag {
Path = 0,
Data = 1,
// Status
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, FromTLV, ToTLV)]
pub struct Status {
pub status: IMStatusCode,
pub cluster_status: u16,
impl Status {
pub fn new(status: IMStatusCode, cluster_status: u16) -> Status {
Status {
// Attribute Response
#[derive(Clone, Copy, FromTLV, ToTLV, PartialEq, Debug)]
#[tlvargs(lifetime = "'a")]
pub enum AttrResp<'a> {
impl<'a> AttrResp<'a> {
pub fn unwrap_data(self) -> AttrData<'a> {
match self {
AttrResp::Data(d) => d,
_ => {
panic!("No data exists");
impl<'a> From<AttrData<'a>> for AttrResp<'a> {
fn from(value: AttrData<'a>) -> Self {
impl<'a> From<AttrStatus> for AttrResp<'a> {
fn from(value: AttrStatus) -> Self {
pub enum AttrRespTag {
Status = 0,
Data = 1,
// Attribute Data
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, FromTLV, ToTLV, Debug)]
#[tlvargs(lifetime = "'a")]
pub struct AttrData<'a> {
pub data_ver: Option<u32>,
pub path: AttrPath,
pub data: EncodeValue<'a>,
impl<'a> AttrData<'a> {
pub fn new(data_ver: Option<u32>, path: AttrPath, data: EncodeValue<'a>) -> Self {
Self {
pub enum AttrDataTag {
DataVer = 0,
Path = 1,
Data = 2,
/// Operations on an Interaction Model List
pub enum ListOperation {
/// Add (append) an item to the list
/// Edit an item from the list
/// Delete item from the list
/// Delete the whole list
/// Attribute Lists in Attribute Data are special. Infer the correct meaning using this function
pub fn attr_list_write<F>(attr: &AttrDetails, data: &TLVElement, mut f: F) -> Result<(), Error>
F: FnMut(ListOperation, &TLVElement) -> Result<(), Error>,
if let Some(Nullable::NotNull(index)) = attr.list_index {
// If list index is valid,
// - this is a modify item or delete item operation
if data.null().is_ok() {
// If data is NULL, delete item
f(ListOperation::DeleteItem(index), data)
} else {
f(ListOperation::EditItem(index), data)
} else if data.confirm_array().is_ok() {
// If data is list, this is either Delete List or OverWrite List operation
// in either case, we have to first delete the whole list
f(ListOperation::DeleteList, data)?;
// Now the data must be a list, that should be added item by item
let container = data.enter().ok_or(ErrorCode::Invalid)?;
for d in container {
f(ListOperation::AddItem, &d)?;
} else {
// If data is not a list, this must be an add operation
f(ListOperation::AddItem, data)
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, FromTLV, ToTLV)]
pub struct AttrStatus {
path: AttrPath,
status: Status,
impl AttrStatus {
pub fn new(path: &GenericPath, status: IMStatusCode, cluster_status: u16) -> Self {
Self {
path: AttrPath::new(path),
status: super::ib::Status::new(status, cluster_status),
// Attribute Path
#[derive(Default, Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, FromTLV, ToTLV)]
#[tlvargs(datatype = "list")]
pub struct AttrPath {
pub tag_compression: Option<bool>,
pub node: Option<u64>,
pub endpoint: Option<EndptId>,
pub cluster: Option<ClusterId>,
pub attr: Option<AttrId>,
pub list_index: Option<Nullable<u16>>,
impl AttrPath {
pub fn new(path: &GenericPath) -> Self {
Self {
endpoint: path.endpoint,
cluster: path.cluster,
attr: path.leaf.map(|x| x as u16),
pub fn to_gp(&self) -> GenericPath {
GenericPath::new(self.endpoint, self.cluster, self.attr.map(|x| x as u32))
// Command Path
#[derive(Default, Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct CmdPath {
pub path: GenericPath,
macro_rules! cmd_path_ib {
($endpoint:literal,$cluster:ident,$command:expr) => {{
use $crate::interaction_model::messages::{ib::CmdPath, GenericPath};
CmdPath {
path: GenericPath {
endpoint: Some($endpoint),
cluster: Some($cluster),
leaf: Some($command as u32),
impl CmdPath {
pub fn new(
endpoint: Option<EndptId>,
cluster: Option<ClusterId>,
command: Option<CmdId>,
) -> Self {
Self {
path: GenericPath {
leaf: command,
impl FromTLV<'_> for CmdPath {
fn from_tlv(cmd_path: &TLVElement) -> Result<Self, Error> {
let c = CmdPath {
path: GenericPath::from_tlv(cmd_path)?,
if c.path.leaf.is_none() {
error!("Wildcard command parameter not supported");
} else {
impl ToTLV for CmdPath {
fn to_tlv(&self, tw: &mut TLVWriter, tag_type: TagType) -> Result<(), Error> {
self.path.to_tlv(tw, tag_type)
#[derive(FromTLV, ToTLV, Copy, Clone, Debug)]
pub struct ClusterPath {
pub node: Option<u64>,
pub endpoint: EndptId,
pub cluster: ClusterId,
#[derive(FromTLV, ToTLV, Copy, Clone, Debug)]
pub struct DataVersionFilter {
pub path: ClusterPath,
pub data_ver: u32,
#[derive(FromTLV, ToTLV, Copy, Clone, Debug)]
#[tlvargs(datatype = "list")]
pub struct EventPath {
pub node: Option<u64>,
pub endpoint: Option<EndptId>,
pub cluster: Option<ClusterId>,
pub event: Option<u32>,
pub is_urgent: Option<bool>,
#[derive(FromTLV, ToTLV, Copy, Clone, Debug)]
pub struct EventFilter {
pub node: Option<u64>,
pub event_min: Option<u64>,