add the ability to remove keys

This commit is contained in:
husky 2023-09-10 15:42:31 -07:00
parent 51eff105bd
commit 3992155379
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG key ID: 6B3D8CB511646891

View file

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
extern crate alloc;
use alloc::collections::VecDeque;
use alloc::vec;
use alloc::vec::Vec;
@ -150,6 +151,18 @@ impl<T: SizeOf + Clone + Default + ToBytes + FromBytes> BTree<T> {
/// deletes a node from the internal node list, and updates all references to the following nodes so that they point to the correct node
pub fn delete_from_internal_list(&mut self, n: usize) {
for node in &mut self.nodes {
for child in &mut node.children {
if *child >= n && *child > 0 {
*child -= 1;
/// finds the node with the given key, or None if not found
pub fn search(&mut self, key: u32) -> Option<&mut BTreeNode<T>> {
let mut index = self.root?;
@ -277,6 +290,291 @@ impl<T: SizeOf + Clone + Default + ToBytes + FromBytes> BTree<T> {
/// removes the given key from this b-tree (THIS IS THE FUNCTION YOU LIKELY WANT)
pub fn remove(&mut self, key: u32) {
if let Some(mut root) = self.root {
let mut res = self.remove_from_nodetree(root, key);
let mut root_removed = false;
while let Some(node) = res.pop_front() {
if root >= node {
root -= 1;
if node == root {
root_removed = true;
self.root = Some(root);
// if root has no keys, make the first child the new root (if it has a child), else set root to None
if self.nodes[root].n == 0 || root_removed {
if self.nodes[root].leaf {
self.root = None;
} else {
self.root = Some(self.nodes[root].children[0]);
/// removes the given key from the tree starting from a given node, returns VecDeque<usize> where Vec<usize> is a vector of nodes that were removed (so that other references can be updated)
pub fn remove_from_nodetree(&mut self, mut node: usize, key: u32) -> VecDeque<usize> {
let index = self.find_gte_key_on_node(node, key);
let mut result = VecDeque::new();
if index < self.nodes[node].n as usize && self.nodes[node].keys[index].0 == key {
// if this is a leaf node, call remove_assuming_leaf
// vice versa
if self.nodes[node].leaf {
self.remove_assuming_leaf(node, index);
} else {
let res = self.remove_assuming_non_leaf(node, index);
result.append(&mut res.clone());
} else {
// if this is a leaf node, key not found
if self.nodes[node].leaf {
return result;
// saved for later
let flag = index == self.nodes[node].n as usize;
// if the child that should contain the key has less than m keys, steal from it
if self.nodes[self.nodes[node].children[index]].n < self.m {
let shift = self.steal_give(node, index);
if let Some(shift) = shift {
// if node is greater than shift, decrease them by 1
if node >= shift {
node -= 1;
// if the last child was merged, recurse on the (index-1)th child
// vice versa
if flag && index > self.nodes[node].n as usize {
let res = self.remove_from_nodetree(self.nodes[node].children[index - 1], key);
result.append(&mut res.clone());
} else {
let res = self.remove_from_nodetree(self.nodes[node].children[index], key);
result.append(&mut res.clone());
/// finds the first key on a node that is greater than or equal to the given key
pub fn find_gte_key_on_node(&mut self, node: usize, key: u32) -> usize {
let mut i = 0;
while i < self.nodes[node].n && self.nodes[node].keys[i as usize].0 < key {
i += 1;
i as usize
/// steals keys from a node's children to fill child n, returns the position of the node that was removed so that other references can be updated, or None if no node was removed
pub fn steal_give(&mut self, node: usize, n: usize) -> Option<usize> {
// if the previous child has more than m-1 keys, steal from it
// else if the next child has more than m-1 keys, steal from it
// else, merge with one of the children
if n != 0 && self.nodes[self.nodes[node].children[n-1]].n >= self.m {
self.cfptn(node, n);
} else if n != self.nodes[node].n as usize && self.nodes[self.nodes[node].children[n+1]].n >= self.m {
self.cfftn(node, n);
} else if n != self.nodes[node].n as usize {
Some(self.merge_children(node, n).unwrap())
} else {
Some(self.merge_children(node, n-1).unwrap())
/// copies the last key from the (n+1)th child and gives it to the nth child
pub fn cfftn(&mut self, node: usize, n: usize) {
let child = self.nodes[node].children[n];
let sibling = self.nodes[node].children[n+1];
// give child the nth key from the current node
let child_n = self.nodes[child].n;
self.nodes[child].keys[child_n as usize] = self.nodes[node].keys[n].clone();
// if child isn't leaf, move sibling's first child as child's last child
if !self.nodes[child].leaf {
self.nodes[child].children[child_n as usize + 1] = self.nodes[sibling].children[0];
// move the first key from sibling to the current node
self.nodes[node].keys[n] = self.nodes[sibling].keys[0].clone();
// shift sibling keys to the left
for i in 1..self.nodes[sibling].n {
self.nodes[sibling].keys[i as usize - 1] = self.nodes[sibling].keys[i as usize].clone();
// if sibling isn't leaf, shift sibling children to the left
if !self.nodes[sibling].leaf {
for i in 1..self.nodes[sibling].n+1 {
self.nodes[sibling].children[i as usize - 1] = self.nodes[sibling].children[i as usize];
// decrease number of keys in sibling
self.nodes[sibling].n -= 1;
// increase number of keys in child
self.nodes[child].n += 1;
/// copies the last key from the (n-1)th child and gives it to the nth child
pub fn cfptn(&mut self, node: usize, n: usize) {
let child = self.nodes[node].children[n];
let sibling = self.nodes[node].children[n-1];
// move all keys in child one to the right
for i in (0..=self.nodes[child].n-1).rev() {
self.nodes[child].keys[i as usize + 1] = self.nodes[child].keys[i as usize].clone();
// if child isn't leaf, move all child pointers one step ahead
if !self.nodes[child].leaf {
for i in (0..=self.nodes[child].n).rev() {
self.nodes[child].children[i as usize + 1] = self.nodes[child].children[i as usize];
// give child the (n-1)th key from the current node
self.nodes[child].keys[0] = self.nodes[node].keys[n-1].clone();
// if child isn't leaf, move sibling's last child as child's first child
if !self.nodes[child].leaf {
self.nodes[child].children[0] = self.nodes[sibling].children[self.nodes[sibling].n as usize];
// move the (n-1)th key from sibling to the current node
self.nodes[node].keys[n-1] = self.nodes[sibling].keys[self.nodes[sibling].n as usize - 1].clone();
// decrease number of keys in sibling
self.nodes[sibling].n -= 1;
// increase number of keys in child
self.nodes[child].n += 1;
/// merges the given node's nth child with its (n+1)th child, returns Some(n) if the merge was successful, None if the merge was not successful
/// where `n` is the index of the node that was removed so that other references can be updated
pub fn merge_children(&mut self, node: usize, n: usize) -> Option<usize> {
let child = self.nodes[node].children[n];
let sibling = self.nodes[node].children[n+1];
// pop key from current node and insert it into child
self.nodes[child].keys[self.m as usize - 1] = self.nodes[node].keys[n].clone();
// copy keys from sibling into child
for i in 0..self.nodes[sibling].n {
self.nodes[child].keys[(self.m + i) as usize] = self.nodes[sibling].keys[i as usize].clone();
// if child isn't leaf, copy children from sibling into child
if !self.nodes[child].leaf {
for i in 0..self.nodes[sibling].n {
self.nodes[child].children[(self.m + i) as usize] = self.nodes[sibling].children[i as usize];
// move keys after n one to the left, filling the gap
for i in n+1..self.nodes[node].n as usize {
self.nodes[node].keys[i-1] = self.nodes[node].keys[i].clone();
// move children after n+1 one to the left, filling the gap
for i in n+2..self.nodes[node].n as usize + 1 {
self.nodes[node].children[i-1] = self.nodes[node].children[i];
// decrease number of keys in node
self.nodes[child].n += self.nodes[sibling].n + 1;
self.nodes[node].n -= 1;
// delete sibling
/// removes the nth key from the given node assuming it is a non-leaf node, returns VecDeque<usize> where Vec<usize> is a vector of nodes that were removed (so that other references can be updated)
pub fn remove_assuming_non_leaf(&mut self, mut node: usize, n: usize) -> VecDeque<usize> {
let key = self.nodes[node].keys[n].0;
let mut result = VecDeque::new();
let child_n = self.nodes[self.nodes[node].children[n]].n;
// if child before k (children[n]) has at least m keys, find predecessor, replace key with predecessor, delete predecessor
// else if nth child has less than m keys, and (n+1)th child has at least m keys, replace key with successor, delete successor
// else merge nth child with (n+1)th child, recurse on nth child
if child_n >= self.m {
let pre_node = self.fkfl(node, n).unwrap().clone();
self.nodes[node].keys[n] = pre_node.clone();
let res = self.remove_from_nodetree(self.nodes[node].children[n], pre_node.0);
result.append(&mut res.clone());
} else if self.nodes[self.nodes[node].children[n+1]].n >= self.m {
let suc_node = self.fkfr(node, n).unwrap().clone();
self.nodes[node].keys[n] = suc_node.clone();
let res = self.remove_from_nodetree(self.nodes[node].children[n+1], suc_node.0);
result.append(&mut res.clone());
} else {
let res = self.merge_children(node, n).unwrap();
if node >= res {
node -= 1;
let res = self.remove_from_nodetree(self.nodes[node].children[n], key);
result.append(&mut res.clone());
/// removes the nth key from the given node assuming it is a leaf node
pub fn remove_assuming_leaf(&mut self, node: usize, n: usize) {
// move all keys after n one to the left
for i in n+1..self.nodes[node].n as usize {
self.nodes[node].keys[i-1] = self.nodes[node].keys[i].clone();
self.nodes[node].n -= 1;
/// returns the last key of the last leaf node starting from the right of the children of the given node
pub fn fkfr(&self, node: usize, i: usize) -> Option<&(u32, T)> {
let children = &self.nodes[node].children;
if children.is_empty() {
return None;
let mut node = children[i];
while !self.nodes[node].leaf {
node = self.nodes[node].children[self.nodes[node].n as usize];
Some(&self.nodes[node].keys[self.nodes[node].n as usize - 1])
/// returns the first key of the first leaf node starting from the left of the children of the given node
pub fn fkfl(&self, node: usize, i: usize) -> Option<&(u32, T)> {
let children = &self.nodes[node].children;
if children.is_empty() {
return None;
let mut node = children[i];
while !self.nodes[node].leaf {
node = self.nodes[node].children[0];
/// traverses the tree in order and returns a vector of all keys
pub fn traverse_in_order(&self, node: usize) -> Vec<u32> {
let mut result = vec![];
@ -293,6 +591,23 @@ impl<T: SizeOf + Clone + Default + ToBytes + FromBytes> BTree<T> {
/// traverses the tree in order and returns a vector of all values {
pub fn traverse_in_order_values(&self, node: usize) -> Vec<T> {
let mut result = vec![];
for i in 0..self.nodes[node].n {
if !self.nodes[node].leaf {
result.append(&mut self.traverse_in_order_values(self.nodes[node].children[i as usize]));
result.push(self.nodes[node].keys[i as usize].1.clone());
if !self.nodes[node].leaf {
result.append(&mut self.traverse_in_order_values(self.nodes[node].children[self.nodes[node].n as usize]));
impl<T: SizeOf + Clone + Default + ToBytes + FromBytes> ToBytes for BTree<T> {
@ -368,6 +683,11 @@ mod tests {
tree.insert(3, 0);
tree.insert(2, 0);
tree.insert(1, 0);
tree.insert(24, 1);
tree.insert(25, 0);
fn tree_good(mut tree: BTree<i32>) {
// print traversed tree
@ -385,5 +705,26 @@ mod tests {
let tree2 = BTree::<i32>::from_bytes(&bytes);
// remove 10 and 20, then check if tree is still good
assert_eq!(tree.traverse_in_order(tree.root.unwrap()), vec![1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 11, 12, 17, 20, 30]);
assert_eq!(tree.traverse_in_order(tree.root.unwrap()), vec![1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 11, 12, 17, 30]);
// remove all keys but 30
let keys_remaining = vec![1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 11, 12, 17];
for key in keys_remaining {
// check if tree is still good
assert_eq!(tree.traverse_in_order(tree.root.unwrap()), vec![30]);
// remove 30
assert_eq!(tree.root, None);
assert_eq!(tree.nodes.len(), 0);