use alloc::string::{String, ToString}; use alloc::vec::Vec; use vapfs::{BlockDevice, Index}; /// # BTd /// min-degree of all BTrees pub const BTd: u32 = 3; /// # BTKeyType /// key used to index a BTree pub type BTKeyType = u32; /// # BTKey /// whole value of a key in a BTree #[repr(C)] #[derive(Copy, Clone)] pub struct BTKey { pub key: BTKeyType, /// length of this entry in bytes pub length: u32, /// amount of files represented by this key, used in the case of hash collisions pub count: u32, /// if count is 1, this is the inode number of the file represented by this key /// if count is >1, offset from first BTNode in bytes to an HCList struct pub value: Index, /// length of filename /// zero if count is >1 pub filename_length: u32, // rest of the struct is the filename } /// # HCList /// list of files represented by a single key in a BTree, used in the case of hash collisions #[repr(C)] #[derive(Copy, Clone)] pub struct HCList { /// offset from first HCList in bytes to the next HCList pub next: Index, /// inode number of the file represented by this HCList pub inode: Index, /// length of filename pub filename_length: u32, // rest of the struct is the filename } #[repr(C)] #[derive(Copy, Clone)] pub struct BTNode { /// offset from first BTNode in bytes, each entry is a DirectoryKey pub key_array: Index, pub key_count: u32, /// offset from first BTNode in bytes, each entry is another BTNode pub child_array: Index, pub child_count: u32, } impl BTKey { /// in-place conversion from the storage representation (big endian) to the native representation pub fn convert_big_endian_to_native(&mut self) { #[cfg(target_endian = "little")] { self.key = u32::from_be(self.key); self.length = u32::from_be(self.length); self.count = u32::from_be(self.count); self.value = u64::from_be(self.value); self.filename_length = u32::from_be(self.filename_length); } } /// in-place conversion from the native representation to the storage representation (big endian) pub fn convert_native_to_big_endian(&mut self) { #[cfg(target_endian = "little")] { self.key = u32::to_be(self.key); self.length = u32::to_be(self.length); self.count = u32::to_be(self.count); self.value = u64::to_be(self.value); self.filename_length = u32::to_be(self.filename_length); } } /// offset is from 0x0 in the block device to the beginning of the struct pub fn read(offset: Index, bd: &mut dyn BlockDevice) -> Option<(Self, String)> { let mut buf: [u8; core::mem::size_of::()] = [0; core::mem::size_of::()];; let read_count = bd.read_blocks(&mut buf); if read_count < core::mem::size_of::() { return None; } let mut key = unsafe { core::ptr::read(buf.as_ptr() as *const Self) }; key.convert_big_endian_to_native(); let filename = key.read_filename(offset, bd); Some((key, filename)) } /// offset is from 0x0 in the block device to the beginning of the struct pub fn read_filename(&self, offset: Index, bd: &mut dyn BlockDevice) -> String { let mut filename_buf: Vec = Vec::new(); filename_buf.resize(self.filename_length as usize, 0);; bd.read_blocks(&mut filename_buf); String::from_utf8_lossy(unsafe { core::slice::from_raw_parts(filename_buf.as_ptr(), filename_buf.len()) }).to_string() } } impl BTNode { pub const fn new(key_array: Index, key_count: u32, child_array: Index, child_count: u32) -> Self { Self { key_array, key_count, child_array, child_count, } } /// in-place conversion from the storage representation (big endian) to the native representation pub fn convert_big_endian_to_native(&mut self) { #[cfg(target_endian = "little")] { self.key_array = u64::from_be(self.key_array); self.key_count = u32::from_be(self.key_count); self.child_array = u64::from_be(self.child_array); self.child_count = u32::from_be(self.child_count); } } /// in-place conversion from the native representation to the storage representation (big endian) pub fn convert_native_to_big_endian(&mut self) { #[cfg(target_endian = "little")] { self.key_array = u64::to_be(self.key_array); self.key_count = u32::to_be(self.key_count); self.child_array = u64::to_be(self.child_array); self.child_count = u32::to_be(self.child_count); } } /// offset is from root in bytes pub fn read(root: Index, offset: Index, bd: &mut dyn BlockDevice) -> Option { let mut buf: [u8; core::mem::size_of::()] = [0; core::mem::size_of::()]; + offset); let read_count = bd.read_blocks(&mut buf); if read_count < core::mem::size_of::() { return None; } let mut node = unsafe { core::ptr::read(buf.as_ptr() as *const Self) }; node.convert_big_endian_to_native(); Some(node) } pub fn search(self, root: Index, key_to_find: BTKeyType, bd: &mut dyn BlockDevice) -> Option<(BTKey, String)> { let mut node = self; loop { let mut i = 0; let mut last_key: Option = None; while i < node.key_count { let key_offset = if i == 0 { node.key_array } else { last_key.as_ref().unwrap().length as Index + last_key.as_ref().unwrap().value }; let key = BTKey::read(key_offset, bd)?; if key.0.key == key_to_find { return Some(key); } else if key.0.key > key_to_find { break; } i += 1; last_key = Some(key.0); } if node.child_count == 0 { return None; } let child_offset = if i == 0 { node.child_array } else { last_key.unwrap().value }; node = BTNode::read(root, child_offset, bd)?; } } }