2023-09-11 22:49:50 -07:00

1864 lines
82 KiB

extern crate alloc;
use alloc::collections::VecDeque;
use alloc::vec;
use alloc::vec::Vec;
use vapfs::{BlockDevice, Index};
use crate::structs::{Inode, InodeFlags, JBRFlags, JBRTargetType, JMWFlags, JournalBlockWrite, JournalEntry, JournalEntryContents, JournalMultiblockWrite, JournalOperation, ListBlock, Superblock};
pub mod btree;
pub mod structs;
pub mod bitmap;
pub mod crc32;
pub mod safe;
pub mod listblock;
pub mod journal;
/// Reads the superblock (located at byte offset 1024 of the block device) and returns it.
/// Returns None if the block device is too small to contain a superblock.
pub fn get_superblock(bd: &mut dyn BlockDevice) -> Option<Superblock> {
let mut buf: [u8; core::mem::size_of::<Superblock>()] = [0; core::mem::size_of::<Superblock>()];;
let read_count = bd.read_blocks(&mut buf);
if read_count < core::mem::size_of::<Superblock>() {
return None;
let mut superblock = unsafe { core::ptr::read(buf.as_ptr() as *const Superblock) };
/// Performs a direct write of a superblock to the block device.
/// # Safety
/// unsafe because it does not journal the write, and does not update any other metadata.
pub unsafe fn write_superblock(mut sb: Superblock, bd: &mut dyn BlockDevice) -> bool {
let block_size = sb.block_size;
let mut buf: [u8; core::mem::size_of::<Superblock>()] = [0; core::mem::size_of::<Superblock>()];
core::ptr::write(buf.as_mut_ptr() as *mut Superblock, sb); as u64);
let write_count = bd.write_blocks(&buf);
write_count == core::mem::size_of::<Superblock>()
/// Reads the inode at the given index and returns it.
pub fn read_inode(index: Index, sb: &Superblock, bd: &mut dyn BlockDevice) -> Option<Inode> {
let mut buf: [u8; core::mem::size_of::<Inode>()] = [0; core::mem::size_of::<Inode>()]; * sb.block_size as u64) + (index * core::mem::size_of::<Inode>() as u64));
let read_count = bd.read_blocks(&mut buf);
if read_count < core::mem::size_of::<Inode>() {
return None;
let mut inode = unsafe { core::ptr::read(buf.as_ptr() as *const Inode) };
/// Performs a direct write of an inode to the block device.
/// # Safety
/// unsafe because it does not journal the write, and does not update any other metadata.
pub unsafe fn write_inode(index: Index, sb: &Superblock, bd: &mut dyn BlockDevice, mut inode: Inode) -> bool {
let mut buf: [u8; core::mem::size_of::<Inode>()] = [0; core::mem::size_of::<Inode>()];
core::ptr::write(buf.as_mut_ptr() as *mut Inode, inode); * sb.block_size as u64) + (index * core::mem::size_of::<Inode>() as u64));
let write_count = bd.write_blocks(&buf);
write_count == core::mem::size_of::<Inode>()
/// Reads a single datablock into memory, may return less than the block size if the end of the block device is reached.
pub fn read_datablock(index: Index, sb: &Superblock, bd: &mut dyn BlockDevice) -> Vec<u8> {
let mut buf: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
buf.resize(sb.block_size as usize, 0); * sb.block_size as u64) + (index * sb.block_size as u64));
bd.read_blocks(&mut buf);
/// Performs a direct write of a datablock to the block device.
/// # Safety
/// unsafe because it does not journal the write, and does not update any other metadata.
pub unsafe fn write_datablock(index: Index, sb: &Superblock, bd: &mut dyn BlockDevice, buf: &[u8]) -> bool { * sb.block_size as u64) + (index * sb.block_size as u64));
let write_count = bd.write_blocks(buf);
write_count == sb.block_size as usize
/// Checks if a datablock is allocated.
/// Will return None if the index is out of bounds or if the block device cannot fill the buffer.
pub fn is_datablock_allocated(index: Index, sb: &Superblock, bd: &mut dyn BlockDevice) -> Option<bool> {
// datablock bitmap is at 1024 + block size, length is data_block_count / 8 rounded up
let bitmap_offset = 1024 + sb.block_size as u64;
let bitmap_length = (sb.data_block_count + 7) / 8;
if index >= bitmap_length {
return None;
let mut bitmap_buf: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
bitmap_buf.resize(bitmap_length as usize, 0);;
let read_count = bd.read_blocks(&mut bitmap_buf);
if read_count < bitmap_length as usize {
return None;
Some(bitmap::get_bit(&bitmap_buf, index as usize) == bitmap::SET)
/// Checks if an inode is allocated.
/// Will return None if the index is out of bounds or if the block device cannot fill the buffer.
pub fn is_inode_allocated(index: Index, sb: &Superblock, bd: &mut dyn BlockDevice) -> Option<bool> {
// inode bitmap is at 1024 + block size + datablock_bitmap_length byte offset,
// length is inode_count / 8 rounded up
let bitmap_offset = 1024 + sb.block_size as u64 + ((sb.data_block_count + 7) / 8);
let bitmap_length = (sb.inode_count + 7) / 8;
if index >= bitmap_length {
return None;
let mut bitmap_buf: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
bitmap_buf.resize(bitmap_length as usize, 0);;
let read_count = bd.read_blocks(&mut bitmap_buf);
if read_count < bitmap_length as usize {
return None;
Some(bitmap::get_bit(&bitmap_buf, index as usize) == bitmap::SET)
/// Finds the first unallocated datablock and returns its index.
/// Will return None if no unallocated datablock is found, or if the block device cannot fill the buffer.
pub fn find_first_unallocated_datablock(sb: &Superblock, bd: &mut dyn BlockDevice) -> Option<Index> {
// datablock bitmap is at 1024 + block size, length is data_block_count / 8 rounded up
let bitmap_offset = 1024 + sb.block_size as u64;
let bitmap_length = (sb.data_block_count + 7) / 8;
let mut bitmap_buf: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
bitmap_buf.resize(bitmap_length as usize, 0);;
let read_count = bd.read_blocks(&mut bitmap_buf);
if read_count < bitmap_length as usize {
return None;
bitmap::find_first_bit_equal_to(&bitmap_buf, bitmap::UNSET).map(|index| index as Index)
/// Finds a number of unallocated datablocks and returns their indices.
/// Will return None if not enough unallocated datablocks are found, or if the block device cannot fill the buffer.
pub fn find_count_unallocated_datablocks(sb: &Superblock, bd: &mut dyn BlockDevice, count: usize) -> Option<Vec<Index>> {
// datablock bitmap is at 1024 + block size, length is data_block_count / 8 rounded up
let bitmap_offset = 1024 + sb.block_size as u64;
let bitmap_length = (sb.data_block_count + 7) / 8;
let mut bitmap_buf: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
bitmap_buf.resize(bitmap_length as usize, 0);;
let read_count = bd.read_blocks(&mut bitmap_buf);
if read_count < bitmap_length as usize {
return None;
let mut found = Vec::new();
while found.len() < count {
if let Some(i) = bitmap::find_first_bit_equal_to(&bitmap_buf, bitmap::UNSET) {
found.push(i as Index);
// set the bit so we don't find it again
bitmap::set_bit(&mut bitmap_buf, i, bitmap::SET);
} else {
return None;
/// Finds the first unallocated inode and returns its index.
/// Will return None if no unallocated inode is found, or if the block device cannot fill the buffer.
pub fn find_first_unallocated_inode(sb: &Superblock, bd: &mut dyn BlockDevice) -> Option<Index> {
// inode bitmap is at 1024 + block size + datablock_bitmap_length byte offset,
// length is inode_count / 8 rounded up
let bitmap_offset = 1024 + sb.block_size as u64 + ((sb.data_block_count + 7) / 8);
let bitmap_length = (sb.inode_count + 7) / 8;
let mut bitmap_buf: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
bitmap_buf.resize(bitmap_length as usize, 0);;
let read_count = bd.read_blocks(&mut bitmap_buf);
if read_count < bitmap_length as usize {
return None;
bitmap::find_first_bit_equal_to(&bitmap_buf, bitmap::UNSET).map(|index| index as Index)
/// Sets the allocation status of a datablock.
/// # Safety
/// unsafe because it does not journal the write, and does not update any other metadata.
pub unsafe fn set_datablock_allocation_status(index: Index, sb: &Superblock, bd: &mut dyn BlockDevice, allocated: bool) -> bool {
// todo! we should maybe optimise this to only write the byte that contains the bit, instead of the whole bitmap
// todo! see how much time this saves?
// datablock bitmap is at 1024 + block size, length is data_block_count / 8 rounded up
let bitmap_offset = 1024 + sb.block_size as u64;
let bitmap_length = (sb.data_block_count + 7) / 8;
if index >= bitmap_length {
return false;
let mut bitmap_buf: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
bitmap_buf.resize(bitmap_length as usize, 0);;
let read_count = bd.read_blocks(&mut bitmap_buf);
if read_count < bitmap_length as usize {
return false;
bitmap::set_bit(&mut bitmap_buf, index as usize, allocated);;
let write_count = bd.write_blocks(&bitmap_buf);
write_count == bitmap_length as usize
/// Sets the allocation status of an inode.
/// # Safety
/// unsafe because it does not journal the write, and does not update any other metadata.
pub unsafe fn set_inode_allocation_status(index: Index, sb: &Superblock, bd: &mut dyn BlockDevice, allocated: bool) -> bool {
// todo! we should maybe optimise this to only write the byte that contains the bit, instead of the whole bitmap
// todo! see how much time this saves?
// inode bitmap is at 1024 + block size + datablock_bitmap_length byte offset,
// length is inode_count / 8 rounded up
let bitmap_offset = 1024 + sb.block_size as u64 + ((sb.data_block_count + 7) / 8);
let bitmap_length = (sb.inode_count + 7) / 8;
if index >= bitmap_length {
return false;
let mut bitmap_buf: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
bitmap_buf.resize(bitmap_length as usize, 0);;
let read_count = bd.read_blocks(&mut bitmap_buf);
if read_count < bitmap_length as usize {
return false;
bitmap::set_bit(&mut bitmap_buf, index as usize, allocated);;
let write_count = bd.write_blocks(&bitmap_buf);
write_count == bitmap_length as usize
/// Reads a journal entry by index
pub fn read_journal_entry(index: Index, sb: &Superblock, bd: &mut dyn BlockDevice) -> Option<JournalEntry> {
let mut buf: [u8; core::mem::size_of::<JournalEntry>()] = [0; core::mem::size_of::<JournalEntry>()]; * sb.block_size as u64) + (index * core::mem::size_of::<JournalEntry>() as u64));
let read_count = bd.read_blocks(&mut buf);
if read_count < core::mem::size_of::<JournalEntry>() {
return None;
let mut entry = unsafe { core::ptr::read(buf.as_ptr() as *const JournalEntry) };
/// Performs a direct write of a journal entry to the block device.
/// # Safety
/// unsafe because it assumes that the entry is correctly formatted and that everything has been performed correctly
pub unsafe fn write_journal_entry(index: Index, sb: &Superblock, bd: &mut dyn BlockDevice, mut entry: JournalEntry) -> bool {
let mut buf: [u8; core::mem::size_of::<JournalEntry>()] = [0; core::mem::size_of::<JournalEntry>()];
core::ptr::write(buf.as_mut_ptr() as *mut JournalEntry, entry); * sb.block_size as u64) + (index * core::mem::size_of::<JournalEntry>() as u64));
let write_count = bd.write_blocks(&buf);
write_count == core::mem::size_of::<JournalEntry>()
/// Checks if a journal entry has been completed.
/// Will return None if the index is out of bounds or if the block device cannot fill the buffer,
/// or if the entry is invalid
pub fn is_journal_entry_complete(index: Index, sb: &Superblock, bd: &mut dyn BlockDevice) -> Option<bool> {
let entry = read_journal_entry(index, sb, bd)?;
// if flags == 0, the entry is complete
const SINGLEBLOCK: u32 = JournalOperation::SingleBlockWrite as u32;
const MULTIBLOCK: u32 = JournalOperation::MultiblockWrite as u32;
match entry.operation {
SINGLEBLOCK => unsafe { Some(entry.content.block_write.flags == 0) },
MULTIBLOCK => unsafe { Some(entry.content.multiblock_write.flags == 0) },
_ => None,
/// Returns the index of the next unused journal entry.
/// Will loop around to the beginning of the journal if the end is reached.
pub fn next_journal_position(sb: &Superblock, bd: &mut dyn BlockDevice) -> Option<Index> {
let mut index = sb.journal_position as Index + 1;
let max_index = (sb.journal_block_count * sb.block_size as u64) / core::mem::size_of::<JournalEntry>() as u64;
loop {
let entry = read_journal_entry(index, sb, bd)?;
// if flags == 0, the entry is complete
// flags should always be the same size and at the same offset in the union, so we can just check one
if unsafe { entry.content.block_write.flags == 0 } {
return Some(index);
index += 1;
if index >= max_index {
index = 0;
if index == sb.journal_position as Index {
// we've looped around to the beginning of the journal
return None;
/// Returns the index of the containing indirect block for the given dba address and the index in that indirect block, or None if the address is invalid.
pub fn get_indirect_datablock(sb: &Superblock, bd: &mut dyn BlockDevice, list: ListBlock, address: Index) -> Option<(Index, Index)> {
if address < 32 {
} else {
// copy pasted from
// if greater than 32, see the following:
// let N = (maximum number of pointers in an indirect block) * 32
// (beginning...count)
// 32..N: single indirect block
// 32+N..N^2: double indirect block
// 32+N^2..N^3: triple indirect block
// 32+N^3..N^4: quadruple indirect block
// 32+N^4..N^5: quintuple indirect block
// 32+N^5..N^6: sextuple indirect block
// block index is address / (max_per_block ^ (1 if single, 2 if double, etc))
// after getting your layer's address, repeat the previous layer's process
let max_per_block = sb.block_size as u64 / 8;
let N = max_per_block * 32;
let N2 = N * N;
let N3 = N2 * N;
let N4 = N3 * N;
let N5 = N4 * N;
let N6 = N5 * N;
let mut address = address - 32;
// todo: you could probably rewrite this using like recursion or smth
match address {
_ if address < N => {
let block_index = address / max_per_block;
let address = address % max_per_block;
Some((list.single_indirect_block_address[block_index as usize], address))
_ if address < N2 => {
let address = address - N;
let block_index = (address) / (max_per_block ^ 2);
let layer2_block = read_datablock(list.double_indirect_block_address[block_index as usize], sb, bd);
let layer2_address = address / max_per_block;
let mut buf: [u8; 8] = [0; 8];
buf.copy_from_slice(&layer2_block[(layer2_address * 8) as usize..(layer2_address * 8 + 8) as usize]);
let layer1_block = u64::from_be_bytes(buf);
let layer1_address = address % max_per_block;
Some((layer1_block, layer1_address))
_ if address < N3 => {
let address = address - N2;
let block_index = (address) / (max_per_block ^ 3);
let layer3_block = read_datablock(list.triple_indirect_block_address[block_index as usize], sb, bd);
let layer3_address = address / (max_per_block ^ 2);
let mut buf: [u8; 8] = [0; 8];
buf.copy_from_slice(&layer3_block[(layer3_address * 8) as usize..(layer3_address * 8 + 8) as usize]);
let layer2_block = u64::from_be_bytes(buf);
let layer2_address = (address % (max_per_block ^ 2)) / max_per_block;
let layer2_block = read_datablock(layer2_block, sb, bd);
let mut buf: [u8; 8] = [0; 8];
buf.copy_from_slice(&layer2_block[(layer2_address * 8) as usize..(layer2_address * 8 + 8) as usize]);
let layer1_block = u64::from_be_bytes(buf);
let layer1_address = address % max_per_block;
Some((layer1_block, layer1_address))
_ if address < N4 => {
let address = address - N3;
let block_index = (address) / (max_per_block ^ 4);
let layer4_block = read_datablock(list.quadruple_indirect_block_address[block_index as usize], sb, bd);
let layer4_address = address / (max_per_block ^ 3);
let mut buf: [u8; 8] = [0; 8];
buf.copy_from_slice(&layer4_block[(layer4_address * 8) as usize..(layer4_address * 8 + 8) as usize]);
let layer3_block = u64::from_be_bytes(buf);
let layer3_address = (address % (max_per_block ^ 3)) / (max_per_block ^ 2);
let layer3_block = read_datablock(layer3_block, sb, bd);
let mut buf: [u8; 8] = [0; 8];
buf.copy_from_slice(&layer3_block[(layer3_address * 8) as usize..(layer3_address * 8 + 8) as usize]);
let layer2_block = u64::from_be_bytes(buf);
let layer2_address = (address % (max_per_block ^ 2)) / max_per_block;
let layer2_block = read_datablock(layer2_block, sb, bd);
let mut buf: [u8; 8] = [0; 8];
buf.copy_from_slice(&layer2_block[(layer2_address * 8) as usize..(layer2_address * 8 + 8) as usize]);
let layer1_block = u64::from_be_bytes(buf);
let layer1_address = address % max_per_block;
Some((layer1_block, layer1_address))
_ if address < N5 => {
let address = address - N4;
let block_index = (address) / (max_per_block ^ 5);
let layer5_block = read_datablock(list.quintuple_indirect_block_address[block_index as usize], sb, bd);
let layer5_address = address / (max_per_block ^ 4);
let mut buf: [u8; 8] = [0; 8];
buf.copy_from_slice(&layer5_block[(layer5_address * 8) as usize..(layer5_address * 8 + 8) as usize]);
let layer4_block = u64::from_be_bytes(buf);
let layer4_address = (address % (max_per_block ^ 4)) / (max_per_block ^ 3);
let layer4_block = read_datablock(layer4_block, sb, bd);
let mut buf: [u8; 8] = [0; 8];
buf.copy_from_slice(&layer4_block[(layer4_address * 8) as usize..(layer4_address * 8 + 8) as usize]);
let layer3_block = u64::from_be_bytes(buf);
let layer3_address = (address % (max_per_block ^ 3)) / (max_per_block ^ 2);
let layer3_block = read_datablock(layer3_block, sb, bd);
let mut buf: [u8; 8] = [0; 8];
buf.copy_from_slice(&layer3_block[(layer3_address * 8) as usize..(layer3_address * 8 + 8) as usize]);
let layer2_block = u64::from_be_bytes(buf);
let layer2_address = (address % (max_per_block ^ 2)) / max_per_block;
let layer2_block = read_datablock(layer2_block, sb, bd);
let mut buf: [u8; 8] = [0; 8];
buf.copy_from_slice(&layer2_block[(layer2_address * 8) as usize..(layer2_address * 8 + 8) as usize]);
let layer1_block = u64::from_be_bytes(buf);
let layer1_address = address % max_per_block;
Some((layer1_block, layer1_address))
_ if address < N6 => {
let address = address - N5;
let block_index = (address) / (max_per_block ^ 6);
let layer6_block = read_datablock(list.sextuple_indirect_block_address[block_index as usize], sb, bd);
let layer6_address = address / (max_per_block ^ 5);
let mut buf: [u8; 8] = [0; 8];
buf.copy_from_slice(&layer6_block[(layer6_address * 8) as usize..(layer6_address * 8 + 8) as usize]);
let layer5_block = u64::from_be_bytes(buf);
let layer5_address = (address % (max_per_block ^ 5)) / (max_per_block ^ 4);
let layer5_block = read_datablock(layer5_block, sb, bd);
let mut buf: [u8; 8] = [0; 8];
buf.copy_from_slice(&layer5_block[(layer5_address * 8) as usize..(layer5_address * 8 + 8) as usize]);
let layer4_block = u64::from_be_bytes(buf);
let layer4_address = (address % (max_per_block ^ 4)) / (max_per_block ^ 3);
let layer4_block = read_datablock(layer4_block, sb, bd);
let mut buf: [u8; 8] = [0; 8];
buf.copy_from_slice(&layer4_block[(layer4_address * 8) as usize..(layer4_address * 8 + 8) as usize]);
let layer3_block = u64::from_be_bytes(buf);
let layer3_address = (address % (max_per_block ^ 3)) / (max_per_block ^ 2);
let layer3_block = read_datablock(layer3_block, sb, bd);
let mut buf: [u8; 8] = [0; 8];
buf.copy_from_slice(&layer3_block[(layer3_address * 8) as usize..(layer3_address * 8 + 8) as usize]);
let layer2_block = u64::from_be_bytes(buf);
let layer2_address = (address % (max_per_block ^ 2)) / max_per_block;
let layer2_block = read_datablock(layer2_block, sb, bd);
let mut buf: [u8; 8] = [0; 8];
buf.copy_from_slice(&layer2_block[(layer2_address * 8) as usize..(layer2_address * 8 + 8) as usize]);
let layer1_block = u64::from_be_bytes(buf);
let layer1_address = address % max_per_block;
Some((layer1_block, layer1_address))
_ => None,
/// Creates a journal entry for a single block write operation.
/// Should be safe to call at anytime, and shouldn't corrupt anything if the system crashes.
/// Returns None if the journal is full, or if the block device cannot be written to.
/// Returns the journal entry index if successful.
pub fn schedule_single_block_write(sb: &Superblock, bd: &mut dyn BlockDevice, containing_inode_index: Index, target_type: JBRTargetType, otherwise_datablock_index: Option<Index>, data: &[u8]) -> Option<Index> {
let entry_index = next_journal_position(sb, bd)?;
let entry_content = JournalBlockWrite {
flags: 0,
target_type: target_type as u32,
target_inode: containing_inode_index,
target_block: otherwise_datablock_index.unwrap_or(0),
real_target_block: 0, // filled in once flushed
source_block: 0, // filled in once allocated
source_block_crc32: 0, // filled in once allocated
let mut entry = JournalEntry {
operation: JournalOperation::SingleBlockWrite as u32,
zeroed_content_crc32: 0,
content: JournalEntryContents {
block_write: entry_content,
// write the journal entry
if !unsafe { write_journal_entry(entry_index, sb, bd, entry) } {
return None;
// find a free data block
let data_block_index = find_first_unallocated_datablock(sb, bd)?;
// set the content and then rewrite the journal entry
// note: cLion incorrectly says that this is unsafe, writing to a union is safe
entry.content.block_write.source_block = data_block_index;
entry.content.block_write.flags = JBRFlags::Chosen as u32;
if !unsafe { write_journal_entry(entry_index, sb, bd, entry) } {
return None;
// allocate the data block
if !unsafe { set_datablock_allocation_status(data_block_index, sb, bd, true) } {
return None;
// set the content and then rewrite the journal entry
// note: cLion incorrectly says that this is unsafe, writing to a union is safe
entry.content.block_write.flags = JBRFlags::Allocated as u32;
if !unsafe { write_journal_entry(entry_index, sb, bd, entry) } {
return None;
// write the data to the data block
if !unsafe { write_datablock(data_block_index, sb, bd, data) } {
return None;
let written_data = read_datablock(data_block_index, sb, bd);
// set the crc32 and stored flag
// note: cLion incorrectly says that this is unsafe, writing to a union is safe
entry.content.block_write.source_block_crc32 = crc32::crc32(&written_data);
entry.content.block_write.flags = JBRFlags::Stored as u32;
// generate crc32 of the entry
let mut buf: [u8; core::mem::size_of::<JournalEntryContents>()] = [0; core::mem::size_of::<JournalEntryContents>()];
let mut clone = entry.content;
clone.block_write.flags = 0;
unsafe { core::ptr::write(buf.as_mut_ptr() as *mut JournalEntryContents, clone); }
entry.zeroed_content_crc32 = crc32::crc32(&buf);
if !unsafe { write_journal_entry(entry_index, sb, bd, entry) } {
return None;
// all further steps will be performed on a journal flush
/// Creates a journal entry for a multi block write operation.
/// Should be safe to call at anytime, and shouldn't corrupt anything if the system crashes.
/// Returns None if the journal is full, if the block device cannot be written to, or if you're somehow trying to write over 2105000 terabytes of data.
/// Returns the journal entry index if successful.
pub fn schedule_multi_block_write(sb: &Superblock, bd: &mut dyn BlockDevice, containing_inode_index: Index, datablock_start: Index, datablock_count: Index, data: &[u8]) -> Option<Index> {
let entry_index = next_journal_position(sb, bd)?;
let entry_content = JournalMultiblockWrite {
flags: 0,
target_inode: containing_inode_index,
target_block: datablock_start,
target_block_count: datablock_count,
list_block: 0,
old_list_block: 0, // filled in once flushed
list_block_crc32: 0,
let mut entry = JournalEntry {
operation: JournalOperation::MultiblockWrite as u32,
zeroed_content_crc32: 0,
content: JournalEntryContents {
multiblock_write: entry_content,
// write the journal entry
if !unsafe { write_journal_entry(entry_index, sb, bd, entry) } {
return None;
// find a free data block for the list block
let list_block_indexs = find_count_unallocated_datablocks(sb, bd, 2)?;
// set the content and then rewrite the journal entry
// note: cLion incorrectly says that this is unsafe, writing to a union is safe
entry.content.multiblock_write.list_block = list_block_indexs[0];
entry.content.multiblock_write.old_list_block = list_block_indexs[1];
entry.content.multiblock_write.flags = JMWFlags::ChosenList as u32;
// calculate the crc32
let mut content_cloned = entry.content;
content_cloned.multiblock_write.flags = 0;
let mut buf: [u8; core::mem::size_of::<JournalEntryContents>()] = [0; core::mem::size_of::<JournalEntryContents>()];
unsafe { core::ptr::write(buf.as_mut_ptr() as *mut JournalEntryContents, content_cloned); }
entry.zeroed_content_crc32 = crc32::crc32(&buf);
if !unsafe { write_journal_entry(entry_index, sb, bd, entry) } {
return None;
// allocate the data block
if !unsafe { set_datablock_allocation_status(list_block_indexs[0], sb, bd, true) } {
return None;
if !unsafe { set_datablock_allocation_status(list_block_indexs[1], sb, bd, true) } {
return None;
// set the content and then rewrite the journal entry
// note: cLion incorrectly says that this is unsafe, writing to a union is safe
entry.content.multiblock_write.flags = JMWFlags::AllocatedList as u32;
if !unsafe { write_journal_entry(entry_index, sb, bd, entry) } {
return None;
// find the data blocks
let allocated_blocks = find_count_unallocated_datablocks(sb, bd, datablock_count as usize)?;
// create a list block
let mut list_block = ListBlock {
count: 0,
direct_block_addresses: [0; 32],
single_indirect_block_address: [0; 32],
double_indirect_block_address: [0; 32],
triple_indirect_block_address: [0; 32],
quadruple_indirect_block_address: [0; 32],
quintuple_indirect_block_address: [0; 32],
sextuple_indirect_block_address: [0; 32],
let mut old_list_block = ListBlock {
count: 0,
direct_block_addresses: [0; 32],
single_indirect_block_address: [0; 32],
double_indirect_block_address: [0; 32],
triple_indirect_block_address: [0; 32],
quadruple_indirect_block_address: [0; 32],
quintuple_indirect_block_address: [0; 32],
sextuple_indirect_block_address: [0; 32],
let mut indirect_blocks_waiting_for_allocation_to_be_set = Vec::new();
// if using indirect blocks, only fill out the dba
// otherwise, have fun!
if datablock_count > 32 {
list_block.count = 32;
// set the indirect blocks
let max_per_block = sb.block_size as u64 / 8;
let N = max_per_block * 32;
let N2 = N * N;
let N3 = N2 * N;
let N4 = N3 * N;
let N5 = N4 * N;
let N6 = N5 * N;
// figure out how many blocks we need for all indirect blocks
let mut indirect_blocks_needed = 0;
// can we fit them all in the 32 single indirect blocks?
let dba_count = datablock_count - 32;
// enclosed in brackets so that you can collapse it in the IDE (:
if dba_count < N {
// yes we can
// how many indirect blocks do we need?
indirect_blocks_needed = (dba_count / max_per_block) + 1;
} else if dba_count < N2 {
// no, but we can fit it in the double indirect blocks
// first, fill up the single indirect blocks
indirect_blocks_needed = N / max_per_block;
let datablocks_left = dba_count - N;
// how many double indirect blocks do we need?
indirect_blocks_needed += (datablocks_left / N) + 1;
// how many single indirect blocks do we need?
indirect_blocks_needed += (datablocks_left / max_per_block) + 1;
} else if dba_count < N3 {
// this fills up the single and double indirect blocks
indirect_blocks_needed = N / max_per_block; // 32 single indirect blocks
indirect_blocks_needed += N2 / N;
let datablocks_left = dba_count - N2;
// how many triple indirect blocks do we need?
indirect_blocks_needed += (datablocks_left / N2) + 1;
// how many double indirect blocks do we need?
indirect_blocks_needed += (datablocks_left / N) + 1;
// how many single indirect blocks do we need?
indirect_blocks_needed += (datablocks_left / max_per_block) + 1;
} else if dba_count < N4 {
// this fills up the single, double, and triple indirect blocks
indirect_blocks_needed = N / max_per_block;
indirect_blocks_needed += N2 / N;
indirect_blocks_needed += N3 / N2;
let datablocks_left = dba_count - N3;
// how many quadruple indirect blocks do we need?
indirect_blocks_needed += (datablocks_left / N3) + 1;
// how many triple indirect blocks do we need?
indirect_blocks_needed += (datablocks_left / N2) + 1;
// how many double indirect blocks do we need?
indirect_blocks_needed += (datablocks_left / N) + 1;
// how many single indirect blocks do we need?
indirect_blocks_needed += (datablocks_left / max_per_block) + 1;
} else if dba_count < N5 {
// this fills up the single, double, triple, and quadruple indirect blocks
indirect_blocks_needed = N / max_per_block;
indirect_blocks_needed += N2 / N;
indirect_blocks_needed += N3 / N2;
indirect_blocks_needed += N4 / N3;
let datablocks_left = dba_count - N4;
// how many quintuple indirect blocks do we need?
indirect_blocks_needed += (datablocks_left / N4) + 1;
// how many quadruple indirect blocks do we need?
indirect_blocks_needed += (datablocks_left / N3) + 1;
// how many triple indirect blocks do we need?
indirect_blocks_needed += (datablocks_left / N2) + 1;
// how many double indirect blocks do we need?
indirect_blocks_needed += (datablocks_left / N) + 1;
// how many single indirect blocks do we need?
indirect_blocks_needed += (datablocks_left / max_per_block) + 1;
} else if dba_count < N6 {
// this fills up the single, double, triple, quadruple, and quintuple indirect blocks
indirect_blocks_needed = N / max_per_block;
indirect_blocks_needed += N2 / N;
indirect_blocks_needed += N3 / N2;
indirect_blocks_needed += N4 / N3;
indirect_blocks_needed += N5 / N4;
let datablocks_left = dba_count - N5;
// how many sextuple indirect blocks do we need?
indirect_blocks_needed += (datablocks_left / N5) + 1;
// how many quintuple indirect blocks do we need?
indirect_blocks_needed += (datablocks_left / N4) + 1;
// how many quadruple indirect blocks do we need?
indirect_blocks_needed += (datablocks_left / N3) + 1;
// how many triple indirect blocks do we need?
indirect_blocks_needed += (datablocks_left / N2) + 1;
// how many double indirect blocks do we need?
indirect_blocks_needed += (datablocks_left / N) + 1;
// how many single indirect blocks do we need?
indirect_blocks_needed += (datablocks_left / max_per_block) + 1;
} else {
// congratulations, you've attempted to write around 2105000 terabytes of data
return None;
// allocate the indirect blocks
let indirect_blocks = find_count_unallocated_datablocks(sb, bd, indirect_blocks_needed as usize)?;
// fill with data
let mut i = 0;
let mut taken = 0;
let data = &allocated_blocks[32..];
// once again enclosed so that you can collapse it in the IDE (:
fn fillwithdata_1(
sb: &Superblock, bd: &mut dyn BlockDevice, i: &mut u64, data: &[Index],
block_size: usize, max_per_block: u64, indirect_blocks: &mut Vec<Index>,
taken: &mut usize, dbas: &mut [Index], max: usize) -> bool {
for block1 in 0..max {
if *i >= data.len() as u64 {
let mut buf = vec![0u8; block_size];
let mut j = 0;
while j < max_per_block {
let index = *i % max_per_block;
if *i >= data.len() as u64 {
buf[index as usize * 8..(index as usize + 1) * 8].copy_from_slice(&data[*i as usize].to_be_bytes());
*i += 1;
j += 1;
if !unsafe { write_datablock(indirect_blocks[*taken], sb, bd, &buf) } {
return false;
*taken += 1;
dbas[block1] = indirect_blocks[*taken - 1];
// single indirect blocks
if !fillwithdata_1(sb, bd, &mut i, data, sb.block_size as usize, max_per_block,
&mut indirect_blocks_waiting_for_allocation_to_be_set, &mut taken,
&mut list_block.single_indirect_block_address, 32) {
return None;
// double indirect blocks
for block2 in 0..32 {
if i >= data.len() as u64 {
let mut list = vec![0u64; max_per_block as usize];
if !fillwithdata_1(sb, bd, &mut i, data, sb.block_size as usize, max_per_block,
&mut indirect_blocks_waiting_for_allocation_to_be_set, &mut taken,
&mut list, max_per_block as usize) {
return None;
let buf = list.iter().map(|x| x.to_be_bytes()).flatten().collect::<Vec<u8>>();
if !unsafe { write_datablock(indirect_blocks[taken], sb, bd, &buf) } {
return None;
taken += 1;
list_block.double_indirect_block_address[block2 as usize] = indirect_blocks[taken - 1];
// triple indirect blocks
fn fillwithdata_2(
sb: &Superblock, bd: &mut dyn BlockDevice, i: &mut u64, data: &[Index],
block_size: usize, max_per_block: u64, indirect_blocks: &mut Vec<Index>,
taken: &mut usize, dbas: &mut [Index], max: usize) -> bool {
for block3 in 0..32 {
if *i >= data.len() as u64 {
let mut buf = vec![0u8; sb.block_size as usize];
for block2 in 0..max_per_block {
if *i >= data.len() as u64 {
let mut buf2 = vec![0u64; max_per_block as usize];
fillwithdata_1(sb, bd, i, data, block_size, max_per_block,
indirect_blocks, taken,
&mut buf2, max_per_block as usize);
let buf2 = buf2.iter().map(|x| x.to_be_bytes()).flatten().collect::<Vec<u8>>();
if !unsafe { write_datablock(indirect_blocks[*taken], sb, bd, &buf2) } {
return false;
*taken += 1;
buf[block2 as usize * 8..(block2 as usize + 1) * 8].copy_from_slice(&indirect_blocks[*taken - 1].to_be_bytes());
if !unsafe { write_datablock(indirect_blocks[*taken], sb, bd, &buf) } {
return false;
*taken += 1;
dbas[block3 as usize] = indirect_blocks[*taken - 1];
fillwithdata_2(sb, bd, &mut i, data, sb.block_size as usize, max_per_block,
&mut indirect_blocks_waiting_for_allocation_to_be_set, &mut taken,
&mut list_block.triple_indirect_block_address, 32);
// quadruple indirect blocks
for block4 in 0..32 {
if i >= data.len() as u64 {
let mut list = vec![0u64; max_per_block as usize];
fillwithdata_2(sb, bd, &mut i, data, sb.block_size as usize, max_per_block,
&mut indirect_blocks_waiting_for_allocation_to_be_set, &mut taken,
&mut list, max_per_block as usize);
let buf = list.iter().map(|x| x.to_be_bytes()).flatten().collect::<Vec<u8>>();
if !unsafe { write_datablock(indirect_blocks[taken], sb, bd, &buf) } {
return None;
taken += 1;
list_block.quadruple_indirect_block_address[block4 as usize] = indirect_blocks[taken - 1];
// quintuple indirect blocks
for block5 in 0..32 {
if i >= data.len() as u64 {
let mut list = vec![0u8; max_per_block as usize];
for block4 in 0..max_per_block {
if i >= data.len() as u64 {
let mut buf = vec![0u64; max_per_block as usize];
fillwithdata_2(sb, bd, &mut i, data, sb.block_size as usize, max_per_block,
&mut indirect_blocks_waiting_for_allocation_to_be_set, &mut taken,
&mut buf, max_per_block as usize);
let buf = buf.iter().map(|x| x.to_be_bytes()).flatten().collect::<Vec<u8>>();
if !unsafe { write_datablock(indirect_blocks[taken], sb, bd, &buf) } {
return None;
taken += 1;
list[block4 as usize * 8..(block4 as usize + 1) * 8].copy_from_slice(&indirect_blocks[taken - 1].to_be_bytes());
if !unsafe { write_datablock(indirect_blocks[taken], sb, bd, &buf) } {
return None;
taken += 1;
list_block.quintuple_indirect_block_address[block5 as usize] = indirect_blocks[taken - 1];
// sextuple indirect blocks
for block6 in 0..32 {
if i >= data.len() as u64 {
let mut list = vec![0u8; max_per_block as usize];
for block5 in 0..max_per_block {
if i >= data.len() as u64 {
let mut buf = vec![0u8; max_per_block as usize];
for block4 in 0..max_per_block {
if i >= data.len() as u64 {
let mut buf2 = vec![0u64; max_per_block as usize];
fillwithdata_2(sb, bd, &mut i, data, sb.block_size as usize, max_per_block,
&mut indirect_blocks_waiting_for_allocation_to_be_set, &mut taken,
&mut buf2, max_per_block as usize);
let buf2 = buf2.iter().map(|x| x.to_be_bytes()).flatten().collect::<Vec<u8>>();
if !unsafe { write_datablock(indirect_blocks[taken], sb, bd, &buf2) } {
return None;
taken += 1;
buf[block4 as usize * 8..(block4 as usize + 1) * 8].copy_from_slice(&indirect_blocks[taken - 1].to_be_bytes());
if !unsafe { write_datablock(indirect_blocks[taken], sb, bd, &buf) } {
return None;
taken += 1;
list[block5 as usize * 8..(block5 as usize + 1) * 8].copy_from_slice(&indirect_blocks[taken - 1].to_be_bytes());
if !unsafe { write_datablock(indirect_blocks[taken], sb, bd, &buf) } {
return None;
taken += 1;
list_block.sextuple_indirect_block_address[block6 as usize] = indirect_blocks[taken - 1];
} else {
// read target inode, and write the old list block
let target_inode = read_inode(containing_inode_index, sb, bd)?;
old_list_block = target_inode.listblock;
// write the list blocks
let buf = [0; core::mem::size_of::<ListBlock>()];
unsafe { core::ptr::write(buf.as_ptr() as *mut ListBlock, list_block); }
if !unsafe { write_datablock(list_block_indexs[0], sb, bd, &buf) } {
return None;
unsafe { core::ptr::write(buf.as_ptr() as *mut ListBlock, old_list_block); }
if !unsafe { write_datablock(list_block_indexs[1], sb, bd, &buf) } {
return None;
// set the content and then rewrite the journal entry
// note: cLion incorrectly says that this is unsafe, writing to a union is safe
entry.content.multiblock_write.flags = JMWFlags::ChosenData as u32;
if !unsafe { write_journal_entry(entry_index, sb, bd, entry) } {
return None;
// if we're using indirect blocks, set the allocation status of the indirect blocks
for block in indirect_blocks_waiting_for_allocation_to_be_set {
if !unsafe { set_datablock_allocation_status(block, sb, bd, true) } {
return None;
// set the allocation status of the data blocks
for block in &allocated_blocks {
if !unsafe { set_datablock_allocation_status(*block, sb, bd, true) } {
return None;
// update journal entry
// note: cLion incorrectly says that this is unsafe, writing to a union is safe
entry.content.multiblock_write.flags = JMWFlags::AllocatedData as u32;
if !unsafe { write_journal_entry(entry_index, sb, bd, entry) } {
return None;
// store the data in the data blocks
for i in 0..datablock_count {
if !unsafe { write_datablock(allocated_blocks[i as usize], sb, bd, &data[i as usize * sb.block_size as usize..(i as usize + 1) * sb.block_size as usize]) } {
return None;
// update journal entry
// note: cLion incorrectly says that this is unsafe, writing to a union is safe
entry.content.multiblock_write.flags = JMWFlags::Stored as u32;
if !unsafe { write_journal_entry(entry_index, sb, bd, entry) } {
return None;
// return the journal entry index
/// Checks the integrity of a single block write journal entry
/// Returns true if the journal entry is valid, false otherwise
pub fn verify_single_block_write(sb: &Superblock, bd: &mut dyn BlockDevice, journal_entry: &JournalEntry) -> bool {
if journal_entry.operation != JournalOperation::SingleBlockWrite as u32 {
return false;
let content = unsafe { journal_entry.content.block_write };
if content.flags > 4 {
return false;
let mut content_clone = journal_entry.content;
content_clone.block_write.flags = 0;
let mut buf = [0; core::mem::size_of::<JournalEntryContents>()];
unsafe { core::ptr::write(buf.as_mut_ptr() as *mut JournalEntryContents, content_clone); }
let hash = crc32::crc32(&buf);
if hash != journal_entry.zeroed_content_crc32 {
return false;
// check the source data block
let buf = read_datablock(content.source_block, sb, bd);
let crc32 = crc32::crc32(&buf);
if crc32 != content.source_block_crc32 {
return false;
// should be all good! (:
/// Flushes a single block write journal entry
/// Should be safe to call at anytime, and shouldn't corrupt anything if the system crashes
/// or if the journal entry is corrupt
/// Returns false if the journal entry is corrupt, the block device is full, or if the block device is read only
/// Otherwise, returns true
pub fn flush_single_block_write(sb: &Superblock, bd: &mut dyn BlockDevice, entry_index: Index) -> bool {
// read the journal entry
let journal_entry = read_journal_entry(entry_index, sb, bd);
if journal_entry.is_none() {
return false;
let mut journal_entry = journal_entry.unwrap();
// verify the journal entry
if !verify_single_block_write(sb, bd, &journal_entry) {
return false;
// because everything is verified, we should be able to execute steps 6 through 9 and
// not have to worry about crashes; since the journal entry is good, we can repeat these steps
// until they succeed
let content = unsafe { journal_entry.content.block_write };
if content.flags < 3 && content.flags > 0 {
// source block wasn't written, this entry is corrupt
// set the flags to 0 so that we don't try to flush this entry again
journal_entry.content.block_write.flags = 0;
unsafe { write_journal_entry(entry_index, sb, bd, journal_entry) };
return true;
let content = unsafe { journal_entry.content.block_write };
// if flag is 0, we don't need to do anything; return
// we will check again later to see if the flags have changed from our work
if content.flags == 0 {
return true;
// if flag is 3, either update inode metadata or copy the data to the destination block
if content.flags == 3 {
if content.target_type == JBRTargetType::Inode as u32 {
// copy the data directly to the target inode's block
let buf = read_datablock(content.source_block, sb, bd);
let mut inode_buf: [u8; core::mem::size_of::<Inode>()] = [0; core::mem::size_of::<Inode>()];
let inode = unsafe { core::ptr::read(inode_buf.as_ptr() as *const Inode) };
if !unsafe { write_inode(content.target_inode, sb, bd, inode) } {
return false;
} else if content.target_type == JBRTargetType::DataBlock as u32 {
// update inode metadata
let inode = read_inode(content.target_inode, sb, bd);
if inode.is_none() {
return false;
let mut inode = inode.unwrap();
// target block is either an index into the direct blocks or an indirect block (if greater than 11)
if content.target_block < 32 {
let previous_block = inode.listblock.direct_block_addresses[content.target_block as usize];
// update the journal entry
journal_entry.content.block_write.real_target_block = previous_block;
if !unsafe { write_journal_entry(entry_index, sb, bd, journal_entry) } {
return false;
inode.listblock.direct_block_addresses[content.target_block as usize] = content.source_block;
// if target_block is greater than block_count, we need to update block_count and the inode's byte count
if content.target_block >= inode.block_count {
inode.block_count = content.target_block + 1;
inode.size = inode.block_count * sb.block_size as u64;
inode.listblock.count = inode.block_count;
// note: we are assuming here that we are only increasing the size by 1,
// greater size increases may result in weird corruption
// (undefined dbas will be listed as part of the file, which will either result
// in garbage data or leakage from another file)
// fixme: in the future, we should check for this case and allocate blocks if needed
// update the inode
if !unsafe { write_inode(content.target_inode, sb, bd, inode) } {
return false;
} else {
let res = get_indirect_datablock(
sb, bd, inode.listblock, content.target_block);
if res == None {
return false;
let (indirect_block_addr, indirect_block_index) = res.unwrap();
let mut indirect_block = read_datablock(indirect_block_addr, sb, bd);
let mut buf = [0u8; 8];
buf.copy_from_slice(&indirect_block[(indirect_block_index * 8) as usize..(indirect_block_index * 8 + 8) as usize]);
let previous_block = u64::from_be_bytes(buf);
// update the journal entry
journal_entry.content.block_write.real_target_block = previous_block;
if !unsafe { write_journal_entry(entry_index, sb, bd, journal_entry) } {
return false;
// update the indirect block
indirect_block[(indirect_block_index * 8) as usize..(indirect_block_index * 8 + 8) as usize].copy_from_slice(&buf);
if !unsafe { write_datablock(indirect_block_addr, sb, bd, &indirect_block) } {
return false;
// if target_block is greater than block_count, we need to update block_count and the inode's byte count
if content.target_block >= inode.block_count {
inode.block_count = content.target_block + 1;
inode.size = inode.block_count * sb.block_size as u64;
inode.listblock.count = inode.block_count;
// note: see note above
// update the inode
if !unsafe { write_inode(content.target_inode, sb, bd, inode) } {
return false;
} else if content.target_type == JBRTargetType::Disk as u32 {
// copy the data directly to the offset on the disk
let buf = read_datablock(content.source_block, sb, bd); * sb.block_size as u64);
// update journal entry
// note: cLion incorrectly says that this is unsafe, writing to a union is safe
journal_entry.content.block_write.flags = JMWFlags::Written as u32;
if !unsafe { write_journal_entry(entry_index, sb, bd, journal_entry) } {
return false;
let content = unsafe { journal_entry.content.block_write };
// if flag is 4, deallocate the source block
if content.flags == 4 {
if content.target_type == JBRTargetType::Inode as u32 {
let block_to_deallocate = content.source_block; // data was copied
if !unsafe { set_datablock_allocation_status(block_to_deallocate, sb, bd, false) } {
return false;
} else {
let block_to_deallocate = content.real_target_block; // data was moved, this should contain the old block
if !unsafe { set_datablock_allocation_status(block_to_deallocate, sb, bd, false) } {
return false;
// update journal entry
// note: cLion incorrectly says that this is unsafe, writing to a union is safe
journal_entry.content.block_write.flags = JMWFlags::CompleteAndDeallocated as u32;
if !unsafe { write_journal_entry(entry_index, sb, bd, journal_entry) } {
return false;
let content = unsafe { journal_entry.content.block_write };
// if flag is 0, move the journal head to the next entry
if content.flags == 0 {
// superblock may have changed, read it again
let sb = get_superblock(bd);
if sb.is_none() {
return false;
let sb = sb.as_ref().unwrap();
let head = sb.journal_position;
let mut next = head + 1;
let max_index = ((sb.journal_block_count * sb.block_size as u64) / core::mem::size_of::<JournalEntry>() as u64) as u32;
if next >= max_index {
next = 0;
// write superblock
let mut sb = *sb;
sb.journal_position = next;
if !unsafe { write_superblock(sb, bd) } {
return false;
/// Checks the integrity of a multi block write journal entry
/// Returns true if the journal entry is valid, false otherwise
pub fn verify_multi_block_write(sb: &Superblock, bd: &mut dyn BlockDevice, journal_entry: &JournalEntry) -> bool {
if journal_entry.operation != JournalOperation::MultiblockWrite as u32 {
return false;
let content = unsafe { journal_entry.content.multiblock_write };
if content.flags > 6 {
return false;
let mut content_clone = journal_entry.content;
content_clone.multiblock_write.flags = 0;
let mut buf = [0; core::mem::size_of::<JournalEntryContents>()];
unsafe { core::ptr::write(buf.as_mut_ptr() as *mut JournalEntryContents, content_clone); }
let hash = crc32::crc32(&buf);
if hash != journal_entry.zeroed_content_crc32 {
return false;
// check the source data block
let buf = read_datablock(content.list_block, sb, bd);
let crc32 = crc32::crc32(&buf);
if crc32 != content.list_block_crc32 {
return false;
// should be all good! (:
/// Flushes a multi block write journal entry
/// Should be safe to call at anytime, and shouldn't corrupt anything if the system crashes
/// or if the journal entry is corrupt
/// Returns false if the journal entry is corrupt, the block device is full, or if the block device is read only
/// Otherwise, returns true
pub fn flush_multi_block_write(sb: &Superblock, bd: &mut dyn BlockDevice, entry_index: Index) -> bool {
// read the journal entry
let journal_entry = read_journal_entry(entry_index, sb, bd);
if journal_entry.is_none() {
return false;
let mut journal_entry = journal_entry.unwrap();
// verify the journal entry
if !verify_multi_block_write(sb, bd, &journal_entry) {
return false;
// because everything is verified, we should be able to execute steps 8 through 11 and
// not have to worry about crashes; since the journal entry is good, we can repeat these steps
// until they succeed
let content = unsafe { journal_entry.content.multiblock_write };
if content.flags < 5 && content.flags > 0 {
// source block wasn't written, this entry is corrupt
// set the flags to 0 so that we don't try to flush this entry again
journal_entry.content.multiblock_write.flags = 0;
unsafe { write_journal_entry(entry_index, sb, bd, journal_entry) };
return true;
let content = unsafe { journal_entry.content.multiblock_write };
// if flag is 0, we don't need to do anything; return
// we will check again later to see if the flags have changed from our work
if content.flags == 0 {
return true;
// if flag is 5, copy current data to old list block and then overwrite with new data
if content.flags == 5 {
let inode = read_inode(content.target_inode, sb, bd);
if inode.is_none() {
return false;
let inode = inode.unwrap();
// get dbas of new list block
let buf = read_datablock(content.list_block, sb, bd);
let list_block = unsafe { core::ptr::read(buf.as_ptr() as *const ListBlock) };
// update inode
let mut inode = inode;
inode.listblock = list_block;
if !unsafe { write_inode(content.target_inode, sb, bd, inode) } {
return false;
// update journal entry
// note: cLion incorrectly says that this is unsafe, writing to a union is safe
journal_entry.content.multiblock_write.flags = JMWFlags::Written as u32;
if !unsafe { write_journal_entry(entry_index, sb, bd, journal_entry) } {
return false;
let content = unsafe { journal_entry.content.multiblock_write };
// if flag is 6, we will deallocate all blocks in the old list block (using stupid method so that it's faster)
if content.flags == 6 {
let mut unused_datablocks: Vec<Index> = Vec::new();
let list_block = read_datablock(content.list_block, sb, bd);
let list_block = unsafe { core::ptr::read(list_block.as_ptr() as *const ListBlock) };
let old_list_block = read_datablock(content.old_list_block, sb, bd);
let old_list_block = unsafe { core::ptr::read(old_list_block.as_ptr() as *const ListBlock) };
let mut taken = 0;
for i in 0..32 {
if old_list_block.count > i {
unused_datablocks.push(old_list_block.direct_block_addresses[i as usize]);
taken += 1;
let max_per_block = sb.block_size as u64 / 8;
let N = max_per_block * 32;
let N2 = N * N;
let N3 = N2 * N;
let N4 = N3 * N;
let N5 = N4 * N;
let N6 = N5 * N;
// enclosed to make collapsable
// todo! we should refactor this code eventually so that we don't have
// todo! multi-hundred line long things cluttering everything like this
fn pushunused1(
sb: &Superblock, bd: &mut dyn BlockDevice, list_block: &[Index], old_count: usize,
unused_datablocks: &mut Vec<Index>, taken: &mut usize, max1: usize, max2: usize,
max_per_block: u64) -> bool {
for block2 in 0..max2 {
if *taken >= old_count {
let buf = read_datablock(list_block[block2], sb, bd);
let mut j = 0;
let mut list = vec![0u64; max_per_block as usize];
while j < max_per_block {
if *taken + j as usize >= old_count {
let mut buf2 = [0u8; 8];
buf2.copy_from_slice(&buf[j as usize * 8..(j * 8 + 8) as usize]);
let dba = u64::from_be_bytes(buf2);
if dba != 0 {
list[j as usize] = dba;
j += 1;
for block1 in 0..max1 {
if unused_datablocks.len() >= *taken {
let buf = read_datablock(list[block1], sb, bd);
let mut j = 0;
while j < max_per_block {
if unused_datablocks.len() >= *taken {
let mut buf2 = [0u8; 8];
buf2.copy_from_slice(&buf[j as usize * 8..(j * 8 + 8) as usize]);
let dba = u64::from_be_bytes(buf2);
if dba != 0 {
*taken += 1;
j += 1;
*taken += 1;
// double indirect blocks
if !pushunused1(
sb, bd, &old_list_block.double_indirect_block_address, old_list_block.count as usize,
&mut unused_datablocks, &mut taken, max_per_block as usize, 32, max_per_block) {
return false;
// triple indirect blocks
fn pushunused2(
sb: &Superblock, bd: &mut dyn BlockDevice, list_block: &[Index], old_count: usize,
unused_datablocks: &mut Vec<Index>, taken: &mut usize, max1: usize, max2: usize,
max3: usize, max_per_block: u64) -> bool {
for block3 in 0..max3 {
if *taken >= old_count {
let buf = read_datablock(list_block[block3], sb, bd);
let mut j = 0;
let mut list = vec![0u64; max_per_block as usize];
while j < max_per_block {
if *taken + j as usize >= old_count {
let mut buf2 = [0u8; 8];
buf2.copy_from_slice(&buf[j as usize * 8..(j * 8 + 8) as usize]);
let dba = u64::from_be_bytes(buf2);
if dba != 0 {
list[j as usize] = dba;
j += 1;
if !pushunused1(
sb, bd, &list, old_count,
unused_datablocks, taken, max1, max2, max_per_block) {
return false;
*taken += 1;
if !pushunused2(
sb, bd, &old_list_block.triple_indirect_block_address, old_list_block.count as usize,
&mut unused_datablocks, &mut taken, max_per_block as usize, max_per_block as usize, 32, max_per_block) {
return false;
// quadruple indirect blocks
for block4 in 0..32 {
if taken >= old_list_block.count as usize {
let buf = read_datablock(old_list_block.quadruple_indirect_block_address[block4 as usize], sb, bd);
let mut j = 0;
let mut list = vec![0u64; max_per_block as usize];
while j < max_per_block {
if taken >= old_list_block.count as usize {
let mut buf2 = [0u8; 8];
buf2.copy_from_slice(&buf[j as usize * 8..(j * 8 + 8) as usize]);
let dba = u64::from_be_bytes(buf2);
if dba != 0 {
list[j as usize] = dba;
j += 1;
if !pushunused2(
sb, bd, &list, old_list_block.count as usize,
&mut unused_datablocks, &mut taken, max_per_block as usize, max_per_block as usize, max_per_block as usize, max_per_block) {
return false;
unused_datablocks.push(old_list_block.quadruple_indirect_block_address[block4 as usize]);
taken += 1;
// quintuple indirect blocks
for block5 in 0..32 {
if taken >= old_list_block.count as usize {
let buf = read_datablock(old_list_block.quintuple_indirect_block_address[block5 as usize], sb, bd);
let mut j = 0;
let mut list = vec![0u64; max_per_block as usize];
while j < max_per_block {
if taken >= old_list_block.count as usize {
let mut buf2 = [0u8; 8];
buf2.copy_from_slice(&buf[j as usize * 8..(j * 8 + 8) as usize]);
let dba = u64::from_be_bytes(buf2);
if dba != 0 {
list[j as usize] = dba;
j += 1;
for block4 in 0..max_per_block {
if taken >= old_list_block.count as usize {
let buf = read_datablock(list[block4 as usize], sb, bd);
let mut j = 0;
let mut list = vec![0u64; max_per_block as usize];
while j < max_per_block {
if taken >= old_list_block.count as usize {
let mut buf2 = [0u8; 8];
buf2.copy_from_slice(&buf[j as usize * 8..(j * 8 + 8) as usize]);
let dba = u64::from_be_bytes(buf2);
if dba != 0 {
list[j as usize] = dba;
j += 1;
if !pushunused2(
sb, bd, &list, old_list_block.count as usize,
&mut unused_datablocks, &mut taken, max_per_block as usize, max_per_block as usize, max_per_block as usize, max_per_block) {
return false;
unused_datablocks.push(list[block4 as usize]);
taken += 1;
unused_datablocks.push(old_list_block.quintuple_indirect_block_address[block5 as usize]);
taken += 1;
// sextuple indirect blocks
for block6 in 0..32 {
if taken >= old_list_block.count as usize {
let buf = read_datablock(old_list_block.sextuple_indirect_block_address[block6 as usize], sb, bd);
let mut j = 0;
let mut list = vec![0u64; max_per_block as usize];
while j < max_per_block {
if taken >= old_list_block.count as usize {
let mut buf2 = [0u8; 8];
buf2.copy_from_slice(&buf[j as usize * 8..(j * 8 + 8) as usize]);
let dba = u64::from_be_bytes(buf2);
if dba != 0 {
list[j as usize] = dba;
j += 1;
for block5 in 0..max_per_block {
if taken >= old_list_block.count as usize {
let buf = read_datablock(list[block5 as usize], sb, bd);
let mut j = 0;
let mut list = vec![0u64; max_per_block as usize];
while j < max_per_block {
if taken >= old_list_block.count as usize {
let mut buf2 = [0u8; 8];
buf2.copy_from_slice(&buf[j as usize * 8..(j * 8 + 8) as usize]);
let dba = u64::from_be_bytes(buf2);
if dba != 0 {
list[j as usize] = dba;
j += 1;
for block4 in 0..max_per_block {
if taken >= old_list_block.count as usize {
let buf = read_datablock(list[block4 as usize], sb, bd);
let mut j = 0;
let mut list = vec![0u64; max_per_block as usize];
while j < max_per_block {
if taken >= old_list_block.count as usize {
let mut buf2 = [0u8; 8];
buf2.copy_from_slice(&buf[j as usize * 8..(j * 8 + 8) as usize]);
let dba = u64::from_be_bytes(buf2);
if dba != 0 {
list[j as usize] = dba;
j += 1;
if !pushunused2(
sb, bd, &list, old_list_block.count as usize,
&mut unused_datablocks, &mut taken, max_per_block as usize, max_per_block as usize, max_per_block as usize, max_per_block) {
return false;
unused_datablocks.push(list[block4 as usize]);
taken += 1;
unused_datablocks.push(list[block5 as usize]);
taken += 1;
unused_datablocks.push(old_list_block.sextuple_indirect_block_address[block6 as usize]);
taken += 1;
// deallocate unused blocks
for dba in unused_datablocks {
if !unsafe { set_datablock_allocation_status(dba, sb, bd, false) } {
return false;
// deallocate old list block
if !unsafe { set_datablock_allocation_status(content.old_list_block, sb, bd, false) } {
return false;
// deallocate list block
if !unsafe { set_datablock_allocation_status(content.list_block, sb, bd, false) } {
return false;
// update journal entry
// note: cLion incorrectly says that this is unsafe, writing to a union is safe
journal_entry.content.multiblock_write.flags = JMWFlags::CompleteAndDeallocated as u32;
if !unsafe { write_journal_entry(entry_index, sb, bd, journal_entry) } {
return false;
let content = unsafe { journal_entry.content.multiblock_write };
// if flag is 0, move the journal head to the next entry
if content.flags == 0 {
let head = sb.journal_position;
let mut next = head + 1;
let max_index = ((sb.journal_block_count * sb.block_size as u64) / core::mem::size_of::<JournalEntry>() as u64) as u32;
if next >= max_index {
next = 0;
// write superblock
let mut sb = *sb;
sb.journal_position = next;
if !unsafe { write_superblock(sb, bd) } {
return false;
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum JournaledWriteResult {
/// flushes all pending journal entries until the index is reached
/// if plus_one is true, then the index is inclusive, otherwise it is exclusive
/// returns true if the index was reached, false if the index was not reached
pub fn flush_count_entries(sb: &Superblock, bd: &mut dyn BlockDevice, mut to: Index, plus_one: bool) -> bool {
let mut sb = *sb;
let mut head = sb.journal_position as Index;
let max_index = ((sb.journal_block_count * sb.block_size as u64) / core::mem::size_of::<JournalEntry>() as u64) as Index;
if head >= max_index {
head = 0;
if plus_one {
to += 1;
if to >= max_index {
if plus_one {
while to >= max_index {
to -= max_index;
} else {
return false; // please no infinite loops (:
while head != to {
let entry = read_journal_entry(head, &sb, bd);
if entry.is_none() {
head += 1;
if head >= max_index {
head = 0;
let entry = entry.unwrap();
const SINGLE_BLOCK_WRITE: u32 = JournalOperation::SingleBlockWrite as u32;
const MULTI_BLOCK_WRITE: u32 = JournalOperation::MultiblockWrite as u32;
match entry.operation {
flush_single_block_write(&sb, bd, head);
flush_multi_block_write(&sb, bd, head);
_ => {}
// reread superblock
let sb_opt = get_superblock(bd);
if sb_opt.is_none() {
return false;
sb = sb_opt.unwrap();
head += 1;
if head >= max_index {
head = 0;
/// attempts to figure out why we couldn't create a journal entry, and returns success if it was able to resolve the issue
pub fn why_cant_make_journal_entry(sb: &Superblock, bd: &mut dyn BlockDevice) -> JournaledWriteResult {
if find_first_unallocated_datablock(sb, bd).is_none() {
return JournaledWriteResult::OutOfDiskSpace;
} else {
// the journal is probably full, flush the current entry
let current_entry = read_journal_entry(sb.journal_position as Index, sb, bd);
if current_entry.is_none() {
return JournaledWriteResult::UnderlyingBlockDeviceError;
let current_entry = current_entry.unwrap();
const SINGLE_BLOCK_WRITE: u32 = JournalOperation::SingleBlockWrite as u32;
const MULTI_BLOCK_WRITE: u32 = JournalOperation::MultiblockWrite as u32;
match current_entry.operation {
if !flush_single_block_write(sb, bd, sb.journal_position as Index) {
return JournaledWriteResult::PotentialFilesystemCorruption;
if !flush_multi_block_write(sb, bd, sb.journal_position as Index) {
return JournaledWriteResult::PotentialFilesystemCorruption;
_ => {
return JournaledWriteResult::PotentialFilesystemCorruption;
/// "safely" overwrites the contents of the superblock with the given superblock struct
/// # Safety
/// this function is unsafe because it writes to the superblock, which is a critical part of the filesystem
/// the writes will be journaled, but if the superblock becomes corrupted then that will not matter
pub unsafe fn journaled_write_superblock(current_superblock: &Superblock, bd: &mut dyn BlockDevice, new_superblock: Superblock, flush_immediately: bool) -> JournaledWriteResult {
// convert superblock to buffer
let buf = [0u8; core::mem::size_of::<Superblock>()];
unsafe { core::ptr::write(buf.as_ptr() as *mut Superblock, new_superblock) };
// create journal entry
let mut journal_entry = schedule_single_block_write(
current_superblock, bd, 0,
JBRTargetType::Disk, Some(1024),
// if none...
if journal_entry.is_none() {
// are there any unallocated datablocks left?
let why = why_cant_make_journal_entry(current_superblock, bd);
if why != JournaledWriteResult::Success {
return why;
// try again
journal_entry = schedule_single_block_write(
current_superblock, bd, 0,
JBRTargetType::Disk, Some(1024),
if journal_entry.is_none() {
return JournaledWriteResult::UnderlyingBlockDeviceError;
let journal_entry = journal_entry.unwrap();
// if flush_immediately is true, flush all writes until the journal entry is complete
#[allow(clippy::collapsible_if)] // this is more readable
if flush_immediately {
if !flush_count_entries(current_superblock, bd, journal_entry, true) {
return JournaledWriteResult::PotentialFilesystemCorruption;
/// overwrites the contents of an inode with the given inode struct
/// if you want to update the contents of an inode, this is the function you want
pub fn journaled_write_inode(sb: &Superblock, bd: &mut dyn BlockDevice, old_inode: Index, new_inode: Inode, flush_immediately: bool) -> JournaledWriteResult {
// convert inode to buffer
let buf = [0u8; core::mem::size_of::<Inode>()];
unsafe { core::ptr::write(buf.as_ptr() as *mut Inode, new_inode) };
// create journal entry
let mut journal_entry = schedule_single_block_write(
sb, bd, old_inode,
JBRTargetType::Inode, None,
// if none...
if journal_entry.is_none() {
// are there any unallocated datablocks left?
let why = why_cant_make_journal_entry(sb, bd);
if why != JournaledWriteResult::Success {
return why;
// try again
journal_entry = schedule_single_block_write(
sb, bd, old_inode,
JBRTargetType::Inode, None,
if journal_entry.is_none() {
return JournaledWriteResult::UnderlyingBlockDeviceError;
let journal_entry = journal_entry.unwrap();
// if flush_immediately is true, flush all writes until the journal entry is complete
#[allow(clippy::collapsible_if)] // this is more readable
if flush_immediately {
if !flush_count_entries(sb, bd, journal_entry, true) {
return JournaledWriteResult::PotentialFilesystemCorruption;
/// writes data blocks of an inode to the disk, uses single block writes
/// if you want to write data to the disk, this is likely the function you want
/// # Important Node
/// if data.len() is not a multiple of the block size, undefined behavior may occur
pub fn journaled_write_data(sb: &Superblock, bd: &mut dyn BlockDevice, inode: Index, from_block: Index, data: &[u8], flush_immediately: bool) -> JournaledWriteResult {
// create journal entry
let mut journal_entries = {
let mut journal_entries = Vec::new();
for i in 0..(data.len() / sb.block_size as usize) {
sb, bd, inode,
JBRTargetType::DataBlock, Some(from_block),
while let Some(mut journal_entry) = journal_entries.pop() {
// if none...
if journal_entry.is_none() {
// are there any unallocated datablocks left?
let why = why_cant_make_journal_entry(sb, bd);
if why != JournaledWriteResult::Success {
return why;
// try again
journal_entry = schedule_single_block_write(
sb, bd, inode,
JBRTargetType::DataBlock, Some(from_block),
if journal_entry.is_none() {
return JournaledWriteResult::UnderlyingBlockDeviceError;
let journal_entry = journal_entry.unwrap();
// if flush_immediately is true, flush all writes until the journal entry is complete
#[allow(clippy::collapsible_if)] // this is more readable
if flush_immediately {
if !flush_count_entries(sb, bd, journal_entry, true) {
return JournaledWriteResult::PotentialFilesystemCorruption;